


来源 :中华考试网 2019-02-16

  V. Writing

  Write a composition on the topic CARS IN THE CITY. Your composition should be based on the outline given below and you are required to write it in no less 120 words. Remember to write it clearly.


  (1) 城市里汽车日渐增多。

  (2) 说一下汽车增多有什么好处或坏处。

  (3) 你认为应该如何克服这些坏处?

  More and more people own cars in the city. It's because the economy is expanding rapidly and therefore the family income goes up year by year. People want to enjoy a more comfortable life and earn certain social status.

  There is no doubt that cars make us travel faster and farther, but they do have caused some problems. For example, they emit too much exhaust fumes and thus pollute the air. This causes further problems. The old people especially suffer a lot from it. Cars also contribute greatly to the increase of traffic jams and accidents.

  How can we solve these problems? First, we can improve the qualities of the cars so that they produce less smokes and noises when running. Second, we should plant more trees and grass all over the cities to freshen the air. Lastly, we can build rings roads around cities so that they will less pollute the downtown areas.

  College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education


  II. Cloze

  There are 20 blanks in the following passage(s). For each blank are provided four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the passage(s)

  Historically, American women have always been very independent. The 31 colonists to come to New England were 32 young couples who had 33 behind their extended family (i.e., their parents, sisters, cousins, etc.) The women were 34 in a new, 35 country with their husbands. This had two important 36 . First of all, this as 37 uncivilized environment demanded that every person 38 in developing and educating children to establish 39 in this new land. Second, because they were in a new land 40 the established influence of older 41 of society, women felt 42 to step into nontraditional 43 . In addition, there were no rules in the Protestant religion which 44 that women stay in any definite role.

  This role of women was 45 in later years as Americans moved west, 46 leaving family behind and encountering a 47 environment. Even later, in the East, as new immigrants arrived, 48 women often found jobs more easily than men. Women became the 49 of the family. The children of these early Americans grew 40 with many examples of working women around them.

  (C)31. A. beginning B. initial C. first D. starting

  (B)32. A. frequent B. often C. usual D. ordinary

  (A)33. A. left B. forgot C. lifted D. failed

  (D)34. A. lonely B. single C. only D. alone

  (B)35. A. developing B. undeveloped C. underdeveloped D. developed

  (D)36. A. facets B. facts C. affects D. effects

  (A)37. A. yet B. not C. but D. well

  (C)38. A. sharing B. shared C. share D. shares

  (B)39. A. them B. themselves C. theirs D. their

  (C)40. A. outside B. out of C. without D. beyond

  (A)41. A. members B. groups C. teams D. parts

  (D)42. A. freedom B. freely C. freer D. free

  (C)43. A. parts B. plays C. roles D. places

  (B)44. A. requested B. demanded C. required D. needed

  (B)45. A. reinforced B. strengthened C. enlarged D. endangered

  (B)46. A. yet B. again C. but D. or

  (C)47. A. hostile B. enemy C. opposing D. opponent

  (D)48. A. any B. one C. a D. the

  (C)49. A. supervisors B. surpassers C. supporters D. supposers

  (B)50. A. on B. up C. to D. off

