


来源 :中华考试网 2018-10-25

  Passage 3

  Just a few years ago, women had to choose between a higher education and having a family. Naturally this was a very difficult choice. But now, many young men in countries like Kuwait want to marry educated women, and it is no disadvantage to a woman to be educated. Here marriage prospects may, in fact, be improved. However, she still may not be able to have a career after her marriage, particularly after children are born. This custom may change too before long as more and more educated women marry and have families. Women may demand to have careers. Also, developing countries may want to encourage all educated people, men and women, to contribute to the workforce. These countries may regard educated women as a rich natural resource.

  66. A few years ago, women in Kuwait .

  A. could get married even if they wanted to get higher education

  B. could not get married if they wanted to get higher education

  C. could not get higher education if they wanted to get married

  D. both B and C

  67. Nowadays in countries like Kuwait, men like to marry .

  A. uneducated women

  B. career women

  C. educated women

  D. wealthy women

  68. As a custom in Kuwait, women may .

  A. take up a profession after their marriage

  B. take up a profession only after they have had children

  C. take up a profession even if they have had children

  D. be educated but can only be housewives after marriage

  69. Now more and more women in Kuwait .

  A. both have education and a family

  B. have their own career

  C. have got rid of the traditional custom

  D. all of the above

  70. The main idea of this passage is .

  A. women should not have a family if they want to get education

  B. women should play a minor part in society

  C. times are changing and Kuwait women are gradually regarded as a rich natural resource

  D. getting education and having a job are not so important for women



  71. 小心别把牛奶洒在地毯上。

  72. 没有人知道发生了什么。

  73. 不管谁敲门,都不要开门。

  74. 这本教材太难,学生们看不懂。

  75. 现代科技的发展使社会发生了巨大的变化。

