来源 :中华考试网 2019-12-03
中如今,我们似乎身处一个一切论速度的时代。不论是在学习还是在工作中, 速度似乎成了我们衡量一件事情是否成功的标准。走在街上四下观望,各种广告随处可见,其中有很多是吹得神乎其神的各种速成班。可是,我们用七八年时间学的英语,怎么可能用几个月便可以出口成诵?需要精英人才研究的计算机,怎么可能用几个月便可以如庖丁解牛?盲目追求速度,却忽视事物的客观规律,这不仅不能带来我们期望的结果, 反而可能适得其反。
Haste Makes Waste
A famous saying goes that haste makes waste, meaning that if someone is too hasty in dealing with problems, mistakes are highly possible to occur. The saying is designed to point out the importance of patience. People should be patient rather than hasty, for haste can lead to severe consequences.
If an enormous building project, like an auditorium, which should take years to construct, is pushed to be finished ahead of schedule, the quality of construction cannot be guaranteed. This can lead to terrible accidents and even deaths. On a personal note, if people are too hasty in their work, they may not have time to properly reflect, leading to serious errors in judgment.
In my view, patience is a very valuable virtue. The patient mind is more likely to achieve success, even if the speed seems slower. After all, Rome was not built in one day.
有这样一句名言:欲速则不达。意思是如果一个人在处理问题时操之过急,就很容易犯错。这句话意在指出耐心的重要性。人们应该有耐心,不可急躁, 因为急躁可能会带来严重的后果。
在我看来,耐心是一种非常宝贵的美德。有耐心的人更容易获得成功,尽管在速度上似乎慢一些。毕竟, 罗马不是一天建成的。