


来源 :中华考试网 2017-06-05

  1.The author indicates that free advice is easy to ______________

  A) forget

  B) apply

  C) recall

  D) learn

  2.When one decides to go to college, his main goal is to______________.

  A) change himself

  B) become knowledgeable

  C) graduate on time

  D) be prepared for a career

  3.According to the author. you should choose a school that____________.

  A) you can adjust yourself to

  B) is suitable for you

  C) is prestigious

  D) has a specific purpose

  4.What moist matters for a school is its________________.

  A) teachers

  B) reputation

  C) principals' leadership

  D) teaching syllabus

  5.If you are most interested in money, you should choose a major that___________.

  A) is related to business

  B) studies capitalism

  C) makes your employment easy

  D) benefits money-making

  6.By being an intern or volunteer while in college, you can gain___________.

  A) a higher scholarship

  B) more course credits

  C) more experience

  D) a degree sooner

  7.One may try to avoid taking risks when he_______________.

  A) is close to success

  B) is afraid of failure

  C) is weak-minded

  D) is discouraged

  8.In order to learn to develop a critical imagination, you are suggested to___________.

  9.It is commonly believed that fellow students' contact information is dealt with by__________.

  10.The only thing in your life that you should not forget is________________.

