


来源 :中华考试网 2016-10-31

  38.This investigation indicated that ____.

  A) 50 percent of housewives are lazy

  B) housewives who use instant coffee are lazy

  C) many women believe that wives who use instant coffee are lazy

  D) wives who use regular coffee are good planners

  39.On the results of this test, the producers probably revised their advertising to show a ____.

  A) lazy housewife using regular coffee

  B) hardworking housewife using instant coffee

  C) lazy housewife using instant coffee

  D) man obviously enjoying the taste of instant coffee

  40.Implied but not stated:____.

  A) Despite its advantages, most people disliked instant coffee because of its taste.

  B) The advertising expenditure for instant coffee was greater than that for regular coffee.

  C) Very often we do not know the real reasons for doing things.

  D) Taste is the principal factor in determining what we buy.

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  41.After leaving school, Nigel decided to ____ in the army.

  A) enroll B) sign

  C) register D) enlist

  42.Even at that early stage the school felt that she ____ a good chance of passing her exams.

  A) stood B) achieved

  C) possessed D) took

  43.Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, she ____ to be a champion.

  A) came round B) turned out

  C) turned up D) came out

  44.If she hadn't ____ on the last question, her score on the test would have been perfect.

  A) slipped up B) slept up

  C) spilt up D) slipped on

  45.The ____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually makes jobs easier to do.

  A) addition B) association

  C) application D) affection

  46.The government ____ the people to be economical of oil consumption.

  A) call in B) call up

  C) call on D) call off

  47.It's possible to ____ from all the information give

  n to us and to make various decisions.

  A) enclose B) generalize

  C) tackle D) withdraw

  48.She gets along very well with everyone; so she is the most ____ member of our family.

  A) rusty B) impetuous

  C) compatible D) imperious

