


来源 :中华考试网 2016-10-31

  Part Ⅴ


  这是一篇描写文 (Description)。用通俗的话说,描写文就是用文字给人物、地点、景物画象。一篇描写文主要是通过所感受的细节——所见所闻发展而来的。在写人 时,不仅仅要用细节描写其外貌,而要注重通过他的言行来表现其人物性格、思想和品德,更要抓住他区别于他人的性格特点,这样就容易给读者留下深刻的印象。短文的第一、二段叙述故事发生的时间、地点,故事发生的原因及故事所涉及的人物。文章的三、四、五段描写的是人物的外貌,穿着及性格特点。通过对人物言行 的简单描写来揭示主人翁的助人为乐的高尚精神。短文的最后一段,要用一句话概括作者对主人翁的看法: A good guy。文章有描述,有议论,要加叙加议,有血有肉,上下文连贯要紧密,首尾要呼应,人和事要给人们留下深刻印象。

  Sample Writing

  The First Impression of My Roommate

  It was my first day at the institute. I got into the building where I was going to live, and looked door after door for my name. At last I found it. In the room, there was already a student making his bed. After we said “how do you do?” to each other, he continued his work, paying no more attention to me. I looked around the room and found that it had been thoroughly cleaned. No doubt it was he who had done it.I looked at him. He was thin, short and dark. His hair was like a bundle of straw. His dirty clothes and tired look told me that he had had a long journey. His clothes were made of cheap cloth, and he wore a pair of rubber shoes, which were very unfashionable. He was not a very smart freshmen at all.

  The second time he spoke, his accent told me that he was from the south. “Shall I help you to get your luggage from the office?”

  I did not refuse since I really needed help. He was quick in movement. He walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me to the office.

  “A good guy,”I said to myself.“I will make friends with him ”,and I hurried and caught up with him.

