


来源 :中华考试网 2016-05-09

  Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  1. A) The man's tennis racket is good enough.

  B) The man should get a pair of new shoes.

  C) She can wait for the man for a little while.

  D) Physical exercise helps her stay in shape.

  2. A) The woman will skip Dr. Smith's lecture to help the man.

  B) Kathy is very pleased to attend the lecture by Dr. Smith.

  C) The woman is good at doing lab demonstrations.

  D) The man will do all he can do assist the woman.

  3. A) The woman asked the man to accompany her to the party.

  B) Steve became rich soon after graduation from college.

  C) Steve invited his classmates to visit his big cottage.

  D) The speakers and Steve used to be classmates.

  4. A) In a bus. B) In a clinic. C) In a boat. D) In a plane.

  5. A) 10:10. B) 9:50. C) 9:40. D) 9:10.

  6. A) She does not like John at all.

  B) John has got many admirers.

  C) She does not think John is handsome.

  D) John has just got a bachelor's degree.

  7. A) He has been bumping along for hours.

  B) He has got a sharp pain in the neck.

  C) He is involved in a serious accident.

  D) He is trapped in a terrible traffic jam.

  8. A) She is good at repairing things.

  B) She is a professional mechanic.

  C) She should improve her physical condition.

  D) She cannot go without a washing machine.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  9. A) Some witnesses failed to appear in court.

  B) The case caused debate among the public.

  C) The accused was found guilty of stealing.

  D) The accused refused to plead guilty in court.

  10. A) He was out of his mind.

  B) He was unemployed.

  C) His wife deserted him.

  D) His children were sick.

  11. A) He had been in jail before.

  B) He was unworthy of sympathy.

  C) He was unlikely to get employed.

  D) He had committed the same sort of crime.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  12. A) Irresponsible. B) Unsatisfactory. C) Aggressive. D) Conservative.

  13. A) Internal communication.

  B) Distribution of brochures.

  C) Public relations.

  D) Product design.

  14. A) Placing advertisements in the trade press.

  B) Drawing sketches for advertisements.

  C) Advertising in the national press.

  D) Making television commercials.

  15. A) She has the motivation to do the job.

  B) She is not so easy to get along with.

  C) She knows the tricks of advertising.

  D) She is not suitable for the position.

