


来源 :中华考试网 2016-05-09

  I. Questions respected people

  • 1. What kind of people do you like working with?

  • 2. Do you believe in the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed”?

  • 3. What do you think of people who always rely on other people’s homework?

  • 4. What do you think of students who often copy other people’s homework?

  • 5. Among your classmates, who do you admire most?

  • 6. Among your teachers, who do you respect most?

  People you admire (for candidates)

  • 1. people who have team spirit

  • 2. people who are ready to help others

  • 3. people who have a strong determination

  • 4. people who are willing to try new ideas or methods


  • Which kind of person is more likely to be successful in life?

  More Questions

  • 1. Do you think we should carry on the spirit of Lei Feng today?

  • 2. Do you think Bill Gates would have been successful if he had finished college?

  • 3. Do you think a good education will ensure a successful career?

  • 4. Would you say wealth is a symbol of success?

  • 5. Do you think people who get rich overnight can be considered successful?

  • 6. During the discussion, why did you say that…?

  II. Questions reuse waste

  • 1. Do you ever throw away things that can still be used? Please give an example.

  • 2. Do you think garbage can be recycled?

  • 3. Do you save used things like plastic bags for future use?

  • 4. What sort of people do you think like to keep used things?

  • 5. Do you think used things are always worthless?

  The Throw-away Culture (for candidates)

  A card listing two different groups of people:

  manufacturers & consumers

  young people & elderly people

  wealthy people & low-income people

  people who care about durability & people who care about fashion


  • Whether the throw-away culture should be encouraged?

  More questions

  • 1. Do you think it’s wasteful to throw away things that can still be used?

  • 2. Why are many young people in the habit of throwing away things which can still be used?

  • 3. Are wealthy people wasteful?

  • 4. Are disposable products a waste of natural resources?

  • 5. Why do elderly people rarely have the habit of throwing away things which can still be used?

  • 6. In which way can we stimulate productions?

  • 7. Why government encourage people to consume?

  III. Questions means of transportation

  • 1. Do you think bicycles are a good means of transportation?

  • 2. Which form of city transport do you prefer?

  • 3. Have you ever traveled long distances? Please say something about our travels. If not, have you any plans to do so?

  • 4. Which do you think is the most convenient way to travel over distances?

  • 5. Do you think more and more people are going to buy cars?

  • 6. Some people don’t what to own a car even though they can afford it. What do you think is their reason for not buying one?

  Intercity transportation (for candidates)

  • Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the means of intercity transportation as shown on your card.

  • 1. Trains

  • 2. Airplanes

  • 3. Long-distance buses

  • 4. Private cars


  • Which means should be given priority when planning intercity transportation systems?

  More questions

  • 1. What is the biggest problem with public transportation in the city you live in?

  • 2. What is the major cause of traffic jams in big cities?

  • 3. Should drivers always be held responsible for road accidents?

  • 4. Can you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules? Please name one or two.

  • 5. What form of transportation causes the least environmental pollution? Please explain.

