


来源 :中华考试网 2016-02-02

  Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

  At the height of Detroit's boom in the mid 20th century, this plant manufactured Packard automobiles, employing about 40,000 people. The promise of good pay and plenty of work at similar (36)_______ around the city attracted people like Tennessee native George McGregor in the 1960s.

  Today, he's president of the United Auto Workers Local 22 in Detroit. "When I first came here, in the automobile factory, they were begging people to come. The hour (37) _______ was something like $3.25 an hour," he recalled. But the auto industry stopped begging when(38) _______ for American cars slowed and interest in foreign automobiles increased.

  The Packard brand became (39)_______, and the hum of its once mighty factory is silent. Crumbling buildings are part of one of the largest vacant industrial complexes in the world. They (40) _______Detroit's boom-to-bust story. "There were about a dozen auto factories, and you know very large (41)_______ , and over time those have been shut down to now there's only one left," Scorsone said.

  Economist Eric Scorsone, at Michigan State University, said although General Motors (42)_______ the most prominent set of buildings in downtown Detroit, the auto industry plays a much smaller role in the city's economy. "In fact, health care is the biggest employer now in the city," he said.

  There were about 300,000 auto factory jobs in Detroit in the 1950s, when the (43) _______ was around 1.8million. Today, there are fewer than 27,000 jobs in plants operated by Chrysler and GM, and the overall population is just above 700,000. "We got three casinos and two auto factories," McGregor explained. "We went from (44)_______ . to gaming for jobs." McGregor's UAW Local 22 Detroit (45)_______. workers at the GM Hamtramck plant still in operation here.

  A. inquire

  B. people

  C. demand

  D. make

  E. boasts

  F. represents

  G. employees

  H. symbolize

  I. plants

  J. manufacturing

  K. extinct

  L. population

  M. employers

  N. standard

  O. rate

