来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-03
(A)随着人口的增加... With the increase/growth of the population, ...
(B) 随着科技的进步,... With the advance of science and technology, ...
With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.
In the age of information and communication, ... plays an important role.
In today's industrial society, ... is indispensable to life.
In this age of information and communication, the computer plays an extremely important role.
In dealing with ..., one cannot but admit (that)子句
In dealing with one's future career, one cannot but admit that it is very important to decide one's future career as early as possible.
Nothing in the world can delight me so much as ...
Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.
.. ..是必要的 It is necessary that S (should) V
...是重要的 It is important/essential that S (should) V ...是适当的 It is proper that S (should) V ...是紧急的 It is urgent that S (should) V 例:我们当保持公共场所清洁是应当的。
It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.
每当我听到...我就忍不住感到兴奋。Whenever I hear..., I cannot but feel excited.
每当我做...我就忍不住感到悲伤。Whenever I do ..., I cannot but feel sad. 每当我想到...我就忍不住感到紧张。Whenever I think of ..., I cannot but feel nervous.
每当我遭遇...我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with…, I cannot but feel frightened.
每当我看到...我就忍不住感到惊讶。Whenever I see ..., I cannot but feel surprised.
Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.
=Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.
据说... It is said (that)子句
一般认为... It is thought (that)子句
大家都知道... It is known (that)子句
据报导... It is reported (that)子句
一般预料... It is expected (that)子句
一般估计... It is estimated (that)子句
一般相信... It is believed (that)子句
It is believed (that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.
.. ..的主要理由是...
The main reason why ... is (that)子句 例:青少年犯罪的主要理由是社会环境日一败坏。
The main reason why the juveniles commit crimes is that social environment is becoming worse.
Well goes an old saying,"…"
=As an old saying goes(runs, says),"…"
=An old saying goes,"…"
=It's an old saying (that)子句,例:俗话说得好:「诚实为上策」。
As an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."