来源 :中华考试网 2017-04-30
拉丁前缀inter-来源于拉丁介词inter,意思相当于 between(在…之间) 或 among (在…的中间)。inter-本是原生词缀,它出现在从法语引进的拉丁词中。但是,现在它已经成为英语的派生前缀,可以与不同语源的动词、名词相结合,表示between,mutually,mutual等意思。与动词结合时,inter-是个副词性前缀,不改变词基单词的词性;与名词结合时,它是形容词或介词性前缀。当它作为介词性前缀与名词结合时,可能改变词基的词性,生成形容词。inter-的异体intel-只能作原生词缀,出现在intellect等少数单词中。与前缀inter-形近的前缀有intro,intra 意为“在内,向内”,注意不要混淆。
1. intel- [在辅音字母I前]
intelligent, intellectual
2.enter- (emtr-)[用于法语系统]
entertainer, enterprising, entrepreneur
1.intercept [inter( =between) +cept( =take)在中间抓住、夺取]
vt. seize or stop on the way, before arrival at the intended place; interrupt an enemy force, especially enemy aircraft 中途夺取,抓住,抢夺;拦截
interception 中途夺取,抓住,抢夺,拦截 interceptor 中途抢夺的人;拦截机
ex)tried to Intercept Ms.Barnes before she reached the airport.
2.interrupt [inter( =between) +rupt( =break)在其间打碎]
vt. break the continuity of; cut in; break in upon a person’s action,speech,etc.中断;阻断:妨碍行动、说话等 interruption 中断:妨碍,阻碍 interrupter 阻碍者,妨碍物
ex) Regular programming was Interrupted for an important news bulletin.
3.intellectual [intel
n. a person with intellectual interests or tastes 有知识的人,知识分子
adj. of the intellect; having or showing good reasoning power 知识的;智能的,智力超群的 intellect 智力,理解力;理智;(复数或作为总称时)知识分子,有识之士 intelligence 智力;信息 intelligentsia 知
识阶层 intelligent聪明的
ex) While bright,I hardly think he qualifies as an in intellectual.
4.enterprising [enter
adj. showing enterprise; full of energy and initiative; willing to take risks 事业心强的;进取的;有冒险精神的 enterprise 事业;进取心,冒险心
ex) Her enterprising nature gives a high probability for success as a CEO.
5.intervene [inter( =between) +ven( =come)来到其间]
vt. in+sth come between others in time; interfere so as to prevent something or change the result 介入其中,干预,干涉;仲裁 intervention 调停,仲裁;干涉,介入
ex)I try not to intervene in the disputes among my children.
6.intermediary [inter( =between) +medi( =middle)在其间起到中间作用的]
n. go-between, mediator; any medium, means, or agency 中介者,仲裁者,调停人;中间物,媒介物
adj. acting as a link between persons and groups; intermediate 中介的,仲裁的:中间的 intermediate(时间、空间、程度等)在中间的;中间物
ex)He played a role as Intermediary in ending the Russo-Japanese War.