


来源 :中华考试网 2019-10-15

  年画 (New Year picture) 是最受中国家庭欢迎的民间手工艺术形式之一。年画一般在春节时张贴。因年画在新的一年到来后才会被换,故称“年画”。年画是中国民间美术中较大的一个艺术门类,它始于古代的“门神画 (door-god picture)”,据说贴在家门上可以辟邪。同时,年画还可以美化居家环境,增添节日的喜庆气氛,为家人带来幸福和欢乐,表达了民众向往美好生活的愿望。


  The New Year pictures are one of the most popular folk handcraft arts among Chinese families. Generally, they’re posted during the Spring Festival. Because they will be replaced after another New Year’s arrival, hence their name is New Year pictures. The New Year picture in China is a large category of folk art, originating from the door-god picture, which is believed to exorcise evil spirits when posted on the door of a house. At the same time, the pictures can beautify people’s homes, enhance the festive atmosphere and bring happiness and joy to the family, and express their hopes for a better life.

