来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-05
刘备(161-223年),字玄德,东汉末年幽州涿郡涿县人,三国时期蜀汉开国皇帝,谥号昭烈皇帝,史家又称为先主。章武三年(223年),刘备病逝于白帝城,终年63岁,谥号昭烈皇帝,庙号烈祖(一说太宗) 。他为人谦和、礼贤下士,宽以待人,志向远大,知人善用,素以仁德为世人称赞。
Liu Bei, Emperor Liezu of Han
Liu Bei (161-223), whose courtesy name was Xuande and native of Zhuo County, Youzhou in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, was the founder of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms Period and also historically known as "the First King". In the third year of Emperor Zhangwu (223), Liu Bei succumbed to disease in Beidicheng at the age of 63, and was given the posthumous title “Emperor Zhaolie” or Liezu. Generous, humble and ambitious, he was held in high esteem.