


来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-04



  钱穆(1895年7月30日—1990年8月30日),江苏无锡人。字宾四,笔名公沙、梁隐、与忘、孤云,晚号素书老人、七房桥人,斋号素书堂、素书楼。中国现代著名历史学家、思想家、教育家 ,中央研究院院士,故宫博物院特聘研究员。毕生弘扬中国传统文化,高举现代新儒家的旗帜,在大陆、香港、台湾都产生了巨大的影响,与吕思勉、陈垣、陈寅恪并称为“史学四大家”。1930年因发表《刘向歆父子年谱》成名。被顾颉刚推荐,聘为燕京大学国文讲师,后历任北京大学、北平师范大学、西南联大、齐鲁大学、华西大学、四川大学、云南大学、江南大学教授。 1949年南赴香港,创办新亚书院(香港中文大学前身。 1967年迁居台北,任中国文化学院(今中国文化大学)史学教授。


  Qian Mu

  Qian Mu (July 30, 1895-August 30, 1990), a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu, whose courtesy name was Binsi (pen name: Gongsha, Liangyin, Yuwang, and Guyun), was a famous historian, thinker, and educator, as well as an academician of the Academy Sinica and a specially recruited researcher of the Palace Museum. He spent his lifetime carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture and the modern new Confucianism, which has exerted significant influence on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is among the four great masters on history (the other three are Lyu Simian, Chen Yuan and Chen Yinge). In 1930, he became famous for the publication of Chronicle of Liu Xiangxin and His Son. He was recommended by Gu Jiegang to be a lecturer on Chinese Classics of Yanching University and he also served successively as a professor of Peking University, Peiping Normal University, National Southwest Associated University, Qilu University, Huaxi University, Sichuan University, Yunnan University and Jiangnan University. In 1949, he went to Hong Kong and established New Asia College (the predecessor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong). He moved to Taipei in 1967 and served as a professor of history of the Chinese Culture Institute (Chinese Culture University today).


