


来源 :中华考试网 2018-08-10


  Unit 2 What's on at the theater?

  1. bottled water 瓶装水 7. mustard 芥末 13. soft drink

  2. poster 海报 8. Popsicle 冰棒(商标名) 不含酒精的饮料,通常指汽水

  3. candy 糖果 9. drumstick 鸡腿 14. ketchup 蕃茄酱

  4. pretzel 咸脆卷饼 10. chicken nuggets 鸡块 15. fries 薯条

  5. cookie 饼干 11. popcorn 爆米花 16. hot dog 热狗

  6. gum 口香糖 12. hamburger 汉堡 17. paper cup 纸杯

  1. junk food 垃圾食物

  2. cola 可乐

  3. munchies 零嘴

  4. snacks 点心

  5. ticket stub 票根

  6. a front-row seat 前排座位

  7. the aisle 过道

  8. a good seat 好位置

  9. ad 广告

  10. I'm starving. 我好饿。

  11. Keep your voice down. 降低音量

   流行口语  Spoken English

  snack on (something) 吃(点心)

  grab a bite to eat 随便找些吃的

  munch on (something) 大嚼(某物)

  wash (something) down with a drink 配饮料吃(某物)

  out of (something)(某物)用尽、没有了

   成语 Idiom

  pig out on (something) 狼吞虎咽(某物)

  pig当动词时,表“贪食过量”的意思,pig out on (something) 则是形容“看起来一副饥肠辘辘,狼吞虎咽”的样子。

  During the movie, we pigged out on burgers and fries.


  Dialog 1.

  David is at the concession stand. He wants to eat a snack during the movie.


  Woman: Can I help you? 女人: 我能为您服务吗?

  David: Yeah, I'd like some popcorn and some fries please. 大卫: 好呀,请给我一些爆米花和薯条。

  Woman: OK. And a drink? 女人: 好的,饮料呢?

  David: I'll have a large cola please, no ice. 大卫: 我要一大杯可乐,不加冰块。

  Woman: I'm sorry, we're out of cola. 女人: 抱歉,我们没有可乐了。

  David: Oh really?! Make that a bottle of water then. 大卫: 是吗?!那给我一瓶水。

  Dialog 2.

  Danny and Cathy are in a movie theater. Dan wants something to eat.


  Danny: That burger ad is making me hungry! 丹尼: 那个汉堡广告让我越看越饿!

  Cathy: Keep your voice down, will you? 凯茜: 小声一点,好吗?

  Danny: Sorry. I'm going to get a bite to eat. 丹尼: 抱歉,我要去找些吃的。

  Cathy: OK, go ahead. 凯茜: 好,去吧。

  Danny: Do you want anything? 丹尼: 你要吃些什么吗?

  Cathy: Actually, a soft drink would be great. 凯茜: 其实只要一杯汽水就好了。

  Danny: Right. I'll be back in a minute. 丹尼: 好,我很快就回来。

  Match the following words with their definitions.

  a. ketchup b. chicken nuggets c. posters d. popcorn e. candy

  f. soft drink g. mustard h. paper cup i. Popsicle j. fries

  1. This sauce is yellow.

  2. This sauce is red.

  3. You can pour your drink into this.

  4. Children like to eat this sweet thing.

  5. These chicken snacks are popular.

  6. These tell you which movies are coming soon.

  7. Another name for soda.

  8. This snack is frozen and on a stick.

  9. This is a very popular snack at movie theaters.

  10. These are made from potatoes and are long and thin.

  Premiere 首映会

  Situation: Steve has a surprise for his girlfriend.

  场景: 史蒂夫要给他的女朋友一个惊喜。

  Steve: Let's go to a flick tonight, babe.

  史蒂夫: 宝贝,今晚一起去看电影吧。

  Ruby: I've gotta study.

  鲁比: 我得学习。

  Steve: I think when you check out these tickets,

  史蒂夫: 我想你看了这些票后,

  Steve: you'll change your mind.

  史蒂夫: 一定会改变心意。

  Ruby: Aahhh !! Opening night tickets to the new Star Wars ?!

  鲁比: 啊!! 新一集星球大战的首映票

  Ruby: How'd you get them?!

  鲁比: 你怎么拿到的?!

  Steve: Remember my grandfather Diehl?

  史蒂夫: 记得我爷爷戴尔吗?

  Steve: Well, he has the right connections.

  史蒂夫: 他有门路。

  Ruby: This is a must-see, Steve!

  鲁比: 史蒂夫,这是一部非看不可的电影!

  Ruby: I'm a Star Wars junkie!

  鲁比: 我是星球大战迷!

  Ruby: I still remember when my folks took us to see Return of the Jedi. I was just three.

  鲁比: 我还记得我爸妈带我们去看《绝地大反攻》的时候我才三岁。

  Steve: I know you've been waiting years for George Lucas to make episode one.

  史蒂夫: 我知道你等乔治·卢卡斯拍首部曲等了好几年了。

  --------: (at the theater)

  --------: (在电影院里)

  Steve: Hi, Gramps and Nana.

  史蒂夫: 嗨,爷爷奶奶,

  Steve: Are you all ready for a great sci-fi thriller?

  史蒂夫: 你们准备好要看一部惊心动魄的科幻巨片了吗?

  Ruby: Mr. Diehl, did you hear George Lucas will have someone else direct episodes two and three?

  鲁比: 戴尔先生,您有没有听说乔治·卢卡斯要让别人执导第二和第三集?

  Mr. Diehl: Yes. And we're sure to see more and more computer-animated characters in all the films.

  迪尔先生: 听说了。而且在这些电影里我们一定会看到越来越多电脑设计的动画角色。

  Steve: All I know is this film's going to be a blockbuster and take a bunch of Oscars and Golden Globes.

  史蒂夫: 我只知道这部电影将会是一部卖座巨片, 而且会拿下一大堆奥斯卡奖和金球奖。

  Word Tips

  rehearse: 排练;排演(practice a play, a piece of music, etc. to prepare it for public performance)

  explode: 爆炸(burst into small pieces, usually with a loud noise and in a way that causes damage)

  blink: 眨眼(wink; close and open eyes quickly for several times)

  horizon: 地平线(the apparent intersection of the earth and sky as seen by an observer)

  trailer: 电影预告片(an advertisement for a new movie or TV show, usually consisting of small scenes taken from it)

  scary: 吓人的,恐怖的(causing fear; frightening)

  lines: 台词(words in a play)

  thumb: 大拇指

  furious: 愤怒的(very angry)

  ruin: 毁灭(destroy)

  comedy: 喜剧(a dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict)

  rape: 强奸(the crime of forcefully having sex with somebody against their wish)

  caption: (电影)字幕(subtitles in a motion picture)

  Polish-Jewish: 波兰籍犹太人的(of Jewish people with Polish nationality)

  Warsaw: 华沙(波兰首都) (the capital of Poland)

  concentration camp: 集中营(a camp where prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and political prisoners are detained and confined, usually under harsh treatment)

  non- Jews: 非犹太人(people who are not Jews)

  racist: 种族主义的(offensive or harmful to people belonging to other races)

  integrate into: 结合;融入(mix with and join)

  premiere: 首演(first public performance of a play, movie, etc.)

  sponsor: 赞助人(one who supports a person, an organization or an activity with money)

  episode:(故事、电影系列的)一集(one of the single parts into which a story is divided)

  incredible: 难以置信的(unbelievable)

  spectacular: 壮观的(marvelous; magnificent)

  state-of-the-art: 最新的(newest)

  fantastic: 奇妙的(extremely attractive and enjoyable)

  setting: 场景(the place or time that the action of a book, movie or play happens)

  other-worldly: 来世的(connected to the spiritual or future world)

  costume: 服装(dress)

  theme song: 主题歌(the main song of a movie)

  plot: 情节(the plan of the events in a story, play, movie, etc.)

  Skywalker: (电影人物名) (a character in the movie Star Wars)

  cute: 可爱的(sweet;lovable)

  suspense: 悬念(pleasurable excitement and anticipation regarding an outcome, such as the ending of a mystery novel)

  tension: 紧张(mental, emotional, or nervous strain)

  producer: 制片人(a person in charge of a movie or theatrical production, who obtains the money to make the movie or put on the play)

  gooseflesh: 鸡皮疙瘩(small lump that appears on your skin because you are cold, frightened or excited)

  roar: 吼叫(make a long loud deep sound, especially in pain, anger, or excitement)

  backstage: 在后台(behind the performing stage in a theater)

  boom: 轰鸣声(a deep, loud sound)

  wizard: 巫师(one who practices magic)

  conceive: 想象(think of)

  clue: 线索(something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery)

  Edinburgh: 爱丁堡(英国苏格兰首府) (capital of Scotland)

  nomination: 提名(the act of officially suggesting someone or something for a honor or prize)

  chamber: 室,房间(a room in a house, especially a bedroom)

  rumor: 谣传(hearsay)

  genre: 种类(a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content)

  science fiction: 科幻(小说或电影) (a literary or cinematic genre)

  romance: 爱情故事(love; love story)

  blockbuster: 非常成功的书或电影(a very successful book or movie)

  Language and Culture Tips

  J. K. Rowling: the British author of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter's magic has touched a huge audience of all ages all over the world. In America, nearly 80 million books have been printed, a figure unprecedented for any other books. In 1998, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was published in the United States, kicking off a Harry craze. Suddenly, kids were reading again, and their parents wanted to read the same books! The second and third books were published in the spring and fall of 1999. On July 8, 2000, the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire became a major celebration, with bookstore events occurring at midnight nationwide. The book sold an unprecedented three million copies in the first 48 hours of release and according to Publishers Weekly , it is was "the fastest-selling book in history".

  Monsoon Wedding: 季风婚礼(电影名)

  Adaptation: 改编剧本(电影名)

  The Pianist: 钢琴家(电影名)

  Rabbit-Proof Fence: 防兔篱笆(电影名)

  Can we say "Will you go with me?" instead of "Will you come with me?" Although grammatically correct, the former would seem rather abrupt for an invitation. But you can say "I'd like to go with you to the theater." Also, you can say "What about coming/going to the theater tonight?" After all, grammar cannot always explain idiomatic usage.

  come over better: a colloquial expression meaning "produce a better effect"

  Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!

  1. flowers 花 10. heart 心

  2. jewelry box 珠宝盒 11. wine glasses酒杯

  3. ring 戒指 12. picture frame 相框

  4. candle 蜡烛 13. picture 相片

  5. valentine card 情人卡 14. table 桌子

  6. present 礼物 15. Cupid 丘比特(希腊神话中的爱神)

  7. roses 玫瑰 16. strawberries 草莓

  8. wine 酒 17. chocolates 功克力

  9. vase 花瓶

  1. candlelit 烛光的

  2. date 约会

  3. lovers 情人

  4. red wine 红酒

  5. romantic 浪漫的;罗曼蒂克

  6. slow music 轻音乐

  7. sweetheart 甜心;亲爱的

  8. valentine 情人

  9. white wine 白葡萄酒

   俚语  Slang

  Will you be my valentine? 你愿意当我的情人吗?

  Sweep me off my feet. 令我神魂颠倒。

  You are my sweetie pie. 你是我的小甜心。

  I only have eyes for you. 我的眼中只有你。

  I'm crazy about you. 我为你疯狂。

   成语 Idioms

  head over heels 完全地;全然地;深深地(爱上)

  heel 是指“脚跟”,这句成语原来是写成 heels over head“从脚到头”,后来才变成 head over heels ,引申为“完全地;全然地”。若是在后面加上 in love with someone 则表示“深深地(爱上某人)”。

  He is so head over heels in love with his girlfriend that he can't sleep at night.


  Dialog 1.

  Joe has just arrived at Mary's house. It's Valentines day, and he has gifts for Mary.


  Mary: Hi Joe! Come on in. 玛丽︰ 嗨,乔!请进。

  Joe: Hi Mary. Here, these flowers and chocolates are for you. Will you be my valentine? 乔︰ 嗨,玛丽。瞧,这些花和巧克力送你。你愿意当我的爱人吗?

  Mary: Of course! 玛丽︰ 当然!

  Joe: And I have a poem for you. 乔︰ 我还为你写了一首诗。

  Mary: Oh, that's sweet! 玛丽︰ 喔,太感动了!

  Joe: Roses are red, violets are blue, my sweet Mary, I'm in love with you! 乔︰ 红红的玫瑰,青色的紫罗兰,我甜美的玛丽,我已经爱上你了。

  Dialog 2.

  Sam is picking up Lynn for a date. He has planned a really nice evening.


  Sam: Lynn, are you ready to go? 山姆︰ 林恩,你准备好要走了吗?

  Lynn: Where are we going tonight? 林恩︰ 我们今晚要去哪?

  Sam: I'm taking you out for a romantic, candlelit dinner. 山姆︰ 我要带你去享受一顿浪漫的烛光晚餐。

  Lynn: You know, every time you do something like this, you just sweep me off my feet! 林恩︰ 你知道,每次你这样做,总是令我神魂颠倒!

  Sam: Well, my sweetie pie deserves the best! 山姆︰ 嗯,我的小甜心值得得到最好的!

  Match the following words with their definitions

  a. rose b. chocolates c. wine d. Cupid e. picture frame

  f. ring g. vase h. jewelry box i. candle j. present

  1. People love to receive this type of candy, especially during Valentine's Day.

  2. This little boy has wings and a bow and arrow.

  3. A beautiful flower with thorns.

  4. This drink can make your face red.

  5. Wear this on your finger.

  6. Put pictures in this.

  7. Store your jewelry inside this.

  8. Give this to someone to show that you like him or her.

  9. Put flowers inside this.

  10. Light this with a match to create a romantic mood.

  flame red: (脸)涨红(turn red like a flame)

  chicken: 胆小的人(informal) (someone who is not brave enough to do something)

  guts: 勇气(courage)

  groom: 新郎(bridegroom)

  minister: 牧师(one who is authorized to perform religious functions in a Christian church, especially a Protestant church)

  vow: 发誓;誓言(an earnest promise to perform an act)

  engage: 订婚(promise to marry)

  bridesmaid: 伴娘(a woman who attends the bride at a wedding)

  bouquet: 花束(a bunch of flowers)

  toast: 祝酒(wish happiness, success, etc. to somebody by drinking wine)

  champagne: 香槟酒(a sparkling white wine)

  certificate: 证书(a document proving the truth of something)

  match: 相配的人或物(an ideal partner)

  propose: 求婚(make a proposal of marriage)

  cradle: 摇篮(a small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers)

  mature: 成熟的(describing someone who behaves in a sensible way and is unlikely to do anything stupid or unreasonable)

  come in the way: 挡道; 妨碍(get in the way; stand in the way)

  steady: 稳定的(stable)

  babe: <俚>(美丽的)姑娘; (informal) (a pretty girl)

  intellectual: 理智的;智力的(rational rather than emotional)

  pickup line:(吸引女性的)甜言蜜语(words said by men to attract women)

  mug: 杯子(a cup used for hot drinks like coffee or cold beer)

  trash: 垃圾(rubbish, garbage)

  fiancé: 未婚夫(the man a woman is engaged to and going to get married to)

  Bible: 圣经(the sacred book of Christianity)

  engagement: 订婚(a formal agreement by two people to marry one another)

  knight: 骑士(a man with a high rank in the past who wore a metal suit and rode a horse)

  armor: 盔甲(metal clothing that soldiers wore in the Middle Ages to protect their bodies)

  Language and Culture Tips

  have a crush on: (informal) have an uncontrollable feeling of love for someone

  rob the cradle: (informal) marry someone who is too young

  Word Tips

  spring: 弹跳力(elasticity; resilience)

  bonus: 奖金(an additional payment)

  commercial: 广播或电视的广告(an ad on TV or radio)

  emphatically: 强调地(with emphasis)

  Shaq: 沙奎尔的简称(short for Shaquille)

  admirer: 崇拜者(a person who admires somebody)

  souvenir: 纪念品(keepsake)

  contradictory: 矛盾的,对立的(being different and implying that opposite things are true)

  discriminate: 歧视(treat a person differently, show preference or prejudice)

  Bristol: 布里斯托尔(城市名) (a city of southwest England west of London, an important trading center since the 12th century)

  ridiculous: 可笑的(silly and deserving to be laughed at)

  specify: 明确说明(give the specific details of)

  ban: 禁止(prohibit; forbid)

  publicity: 宣传(the act, process, or occupation of spreading information to gain public interest)

  appliance: 家用电器(a device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device for household use)

  stereo: 立体声音响(a stereophonic sound-reproduction system)

  specialized: 专业的; 专门的(designed for a particular purpose)

  poster: 招贴; 海报(a large printed notice or picture posted to advertise or publicize something)

  sample: 样品(a portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole)

  high-profile: 知名的(attracting a lot of public attention)

  fall for(something): 迷恋(love; be attracted to)

  Language and Culture Tips

  finding ways around the law: finding ways to get around the law; finding loopholes in the law

  Promotional Activities 促销活动

  Situation: Lester Sawyer is meeting with Helen Parker to discuss the release of their new sound board.

  情境: 莱斯特·索耶正在和海伦·帕克开会,讨论新声卡发布上市的事。

  Lester: As you know, Helen, the FastTrek 2001 is due for release next month.

  莱斯特: 海伦,你知道青云 2001 声卡预定在下个月上市。

  Lester: I think we've finally worked the kinks out.

  莱斯特: 我想我们终于把所有的琐碎问题都解决掉了。

  Helen: That's essential, since quality is the focus of the ad campaign.

  海伦: 那很重要,因为品质是这次广告主打的重点。

  Helen: The boards must work really well if they're going to be the cash cows we're hoping for.

  海伦: 这些声卡必须要真的很好用才能成为我们赚大钱。

  Lester: Let's go over our promotion plans again.

  莱斯特: 我们再看一次促销计划。

  Helen: OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches.

  海伦: 好的。我们有六家重点零售商在大部分的分店做现场展示。

  Helen: And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.

  海伦: 而且我们的参展团队已经准备好参加各个计算机展。

  Lester: Good. What about print and radio?

  莱斯特: 很好。那么平面媒体和广播呢?

  Helen: We've taken out full-page ads with two large trade magazines.

  海伦: 我们已经在两家大型的商业杂志上刊登了全版广告。

  Helen: And more important, our press releases have been well received.

  海伦: 而更重要的是,我们的新闻稿反应良好。

  Lester: Any other ads?

  莱斯特: 还有其他的广告吗?

  Helen: Yes. We're putting full-page ads in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.

  海伦: 有的。我们会在三家大报的周日版登全页广告。

  Lester: Sounds perfect.

  莱斯特: 听起来很周全。

  Helen: But nothing ever works out the way you plan it.

  海伦: 不过有时候就是会事与愿违。

  Helen: So I have a couple of other tricks up my sleeve as well.

  海伦: 所以我还另外准备了几条锦囊妙计。

  Zoo 动物园

  Situation: Megan is visiting her aunt Cathy for a few days in San Diego.

  场景: 梅甘到圣地亚哥的凯茜阿姨家拜访几天。

  Situation: Today, Megan, her cousin Eric, and Aunt Cathy are at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

  场景: 今天梅甘与埃里克表哥和凯茜阿姨到圣地亚哥野生动物园参观。

  Eric: I saw the famous albino koala joey the last time I was here!

  埃里克: 我上次来这儿的时候,看过著名的白化症无尾熊宝宝!

  Megan: An albino koala?

  梅甘: 白化症无尾熊?

  Megan: It must be very rare.

  梅甘: 一定非常稀少。

  Cathy: The only one in a zoo.

  凯茜: 是这家动物园里唯一的一只。

  Cathy: You'll find that the unusual is the norm here.

  凯茜: 在这里你会发现不寻常才是正常。

  Eric: They have over forty endangered species here.

  埃里克: 这里有四十多种濒临灭绝的动物。

  Megan: So it's more like a reserve than a zoo.

  梅甘: 所以,这里比较像保护区而不像动物园。

  Eric: Come on.

  埃里克: 快来。

  Eric: Get on the train.

  埃里克: 快上游园车。

  Cathy: This is the Wsaga Bushline.

  凯茜: 这是 Wsaga Bushline。

  Cathy: It'll take us into Africa and Asia and back again in less than an hour.

  凯茜: 它会带我们进入非洲区及亚洲区,然后再回到这里,全程不到一个小时。

  -------: (on the train)

  -------: (在游园车上)

  Megan: Oh,my!

  梅甘: 天啊!

  Megan: There are giraffes right below us.

  梅甘: 长颈鹿就在我们下面,

  Megan: I can almost touch them!

  梅甘: 我几乎可以摸到它们!

  Guide: To your left are the northern white rhinos,

  导游 在你们的左手边是北方白犀牛,

  Guide: one of the world's most endangered mammals,

  导游: 它是濒临灭绝的哺乳动物之一,

  Guide: with only thirty-eight known to exist on Earth.

  导游: 就我们所知,地球上只剩下三十八只了。

  Cathy: They're quickly becoming extinct due to poachers hunting them for their horns.

  凯茜: 它们迅速濒临灭绝是由于盗猎者为了犀牛角而展开猎杀。

  Eric: There's Kutu, the new baby white rhino.

  埃里克: 那是刚出生的白犀牛Kutu。

  Guide: We supply zoos all over the world with animals born and raised right here.

  导游: 我们向世界各地的动物园提供在此出生及长大的动物。

  Megan: Look at Kutu trying to hide behind his mom.

  梅甘: 你看Kutu,它想躲在妈妈背后。

  Megan: How cute!

  梅甘: 好可爱!

  Cathy: You are right.

  凯茜: 你说的没错。

  Cathy: He's so cute.

  凯茜: 它很可爱。

  Cathy: I love the zoo!

  凯茜: 我喜欢这个动物园!

  Unit 5 Does your best friend have four legs?

  Word Tips

  ticket: 罚款单(an official piece of paper that shows a driver must pay money for committing a traffic offence)

  skyrocket: 猛涨(rise quickly)

  exceptional: 例外的(unusual)

  behave oneself: 守规矩(act in a polite way)

  chase: 追逐(run after)

  poke: 捅;戳(push quickly into)

  yell: 喊叫(shout)

  desperation: 绝望(the state of having no hope)

  freezer:(冰箱的)冷冻区;冷冻库(a part of a fridge in which food can be stored at very low temperatures for a long time)

  offend: 得罪,冒犯(hurt someone's feelings)

  aquarium: 鱼缸,水族箱(a tank, bowl, or other water-filled enclosure in which living fish or other aquatic animals and plants are kept)

  tropical: 热带的(of, occurring in, or characteristic of the tropics)

  fascinating: 迷人的(charming)

  bark: 吠,叫(make the loud, sharp sound of a dog)

  scratch:(用爪子)抓(mark or tear a surface with something sharp or rough)

  lick: 舔(move one's tongue across a surface)

  wag: 摇晃(尾巴)(shake; wave)

  hook: 上瘾;很喜欢(be deeply attracted)

  epileptic: 癫痫的, 癫痫性的(of, relating to, or associated with a disease of the brian)

  polar bear: 北极熊(a large, white-furred bear living in the Arctic regions)

  sniff: 闻,嗅(smell)

  mold: 霉菌(a soft green or grey growth which develops on objects left too long in warm wet air)

  Language and Culture Tips

  an even dozen: 12

  a baker's dozen: 13

  Many Westerners think a dog is man's best friend. Often they treat a dog as a member of the family or as a human being. They hate the idea of eating dog meat.

  Dogs that are common in the West include Poodles (髦毛狗),Spaniels (垂耳狗),German Shepherds (德国牧羊犬), Labradors (拉不拉多犬),Dalmatians (斑点狗) and Great Danes (大丹).

  be/get fed up:(informal) be unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer

  Westerners like dogs very much. When they name a dog after a friend of theirs, it does not necessarily mean they want to insult the friend. It only shows their affection for the dog.

  Unit 6 What's in fashion?

  1. sink 水槽 7. hair dryer 吹风机 13. hair clip 发夹

  2. barber's chair 理发师椅 8. scissors 剪刀 14. bobby pins 金属细长发夹

  3. mirror 镜子 9. shampoo 洗发水 15. hair spray 喷发液

  4. curling iron 卷发器 10. mousse 摩丝 16. styling gel 发胶

  5. comb 男士用之长扁梳 11. shaving cream 刮胡乳霜 17. towel 毛巾

  6. brush 梳子 12. razor 剃须刀 18. conditioner 润发乳

  1. beard 胡子(下巴处)

  2. bob 短齐发

  3. bowl cut 傻瓜头

  4. curly 卷(发)

  5. goatee 山羊胡

  6. hair cut 剪发

  7. hair dye 染发

  8. highlights 挑染

  9. long 长(发)

  10. massage 按摩

  11. moustache 髭

  12. perm 烫(发)

  13. shave 剃

  14. short 短(发)

  15. sideburns 鬓角

  16. straight 直(发)

   俚语  Slang

  Just a little bit off the back. 只要后面剪短一点。

  Short in front, long in back. 前面短,后面长的发型。

  Make it funky. 弄得有型(与众不同)点。

  Feather it. 修剪。

   成语 Idioms

  the long and short of it 长话短说(事情的重点、精华)


  Well, that's the long and short of it. Jill told Jack that she wanted to break up with him.


  Dialog 1.

  Mary is at the salon explaining how she wants her hair done.


  Mary: I want it short in back and long in front, please. 玛丽: 我要后面短,前面长的发型。

  Hairstylist: I don't think that would suit you. 发型师: 我觉得那不适合你。

  Mary: OK, what do you suggest? 玛丽: 好吧,那你建议怎么做?

  Hairstylist: Why don't you get just a little off the back and get some highlights? 发型师: 何不将后面剪短一点就好,再做些挑染?

  Mary: Hmm, all right, but make it funky! 玛丽: 嗯,好吧,但你要弄得有型点!

  Dialog 2.

  Mary is unhappy with her new hairstyle.


  Tom: What did you do to your hair? 汤姆: 你的头发怎么了?

  Mary: I told the hairstylist to make my hair funky, and she went overboard!! 玛丽: 我对发型师说要把头发弄得有型点,结果她弄过头了。

  Tom: Hmm, it's not that bad of a style. Perhaps she just used too much hairspray and gel. 汤姆: 嗯,这发型不算太糟。也许她只是用了太多造型液和发胶而已。

  Mary: Oh, what am I going to do? I can't go out looking like this!! 玛丽: 哦!我该怎么办?我不能这个样子出门!

  Tom: Don't worry! It'll always grow back! 汤姆: 别担心,会长长的。

  Match the following words with their definitions.

  a. scissors b. shampoo c. mirror d. razor e. hair dryer

  f. sink g. conditioner h. hair spray i. barber's chair j. hair dye

  1. This is what the hairstylist uses to wash your hair.

  2. This is where hair gets washed in a salon.

  3. You dry your hair with this.

  4. You soften your hair with this after washing it.

  5. You look at this to see your new hairstyle.

  6. You sit here to get your hair cut.

  7. This helps hold your hair in place.

  8. The hairstylist uses these to cut hair.

  9. This is used to shave.

  10. You use this to color your hair.

  Word Tips

  hot stuff: 热门货;抢手货(a hot item in great demand)

  supermodel: 超级名模(a world-famous fashion model,usually a female)

  catwalk: 时装表演台,T 型台(a narrow platform that models walk along to display clothes at a fashion show)

  revealing: 显露的(showing part of someone's body that is usually covered)

  behind the times: 落伍(failing to follow the new trend or fashion)

  go out: 过时(go out of fashion; be no longer in style)

  kid: 开玩笑(deceive somebody playfully)

  adapt: 改编(change something to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation)

  ideally: 理想地(in conformity with one's idea of what is perfect)

  Kimi: (药名)(name of a medicine)

  stimulator: 刺激物(something that can excite a body function)

  massage: 按摩(squeeze or rub someone's body to make them relax, reduce their pain, etc.)

  hormone: 激素(a chemical in the body that stimulates certain organs)

  credit card: 信用卡(a plastic card used for buying goods on credit)

  debit cards: 借记卡(a plastic card used as a method of immediate payment)

  on sale: 减价销售(with a certain percentage of the price taken off)

  be on the small side: 偏小(be rather small)

  scissors: 剪刀(a tool for cutting things)

  morals: 道德(principles and beliefs concerning right and wrong behavior)

  pantyhose: 连裤袜(nylon tights worn by women)

  feminist: 女权主义者(a person that advances the cause of women)

  closet: 衣橱(a piece of furniture for storing clothes, etc.)

  tuition: 学费(the amount of money paid for education)

  rehearsal: 彩排;排演(a practice of a play, a dance, etc. in preparation for a performance)

  undo: 解开(纽扣或鞋带等)(unfasten, loosen or untie)

  dresser: 给模特穿衣的人(a person who helps a model to put clothes on)

  pose: 摆姿势(stay in a particular position to be photographed)

  polka-dot: 圆点花纹的

  bikini: 比基尼泳装(a very brief, close-fitting two-piece swimming suit worn by women)

  locker: 更衣室(locker room; changing room)

  bundle up: 卷成一团(curl up like a bundle)

  stick around: 呆着不动(a slang expression for staying put or staying for a long time)


  mark down: 降低(reduce)

  pass up: 错过(miss)

  high-end: 价格贵的(expensive)

  Language and Culture Tips

  fashion model: Fashion models are people employed by fashion houses to show off their new designs. Top models like Claudia Schiffler and Naomi Campbell may appear in fashion shows in Paris, Milan, New York and London in the course of a month. They are also wanted frequently by fashion magazines to be photographed wearing the latest styles.

  fashion show: Fashion houses hold shows to present their latest creations. Attractive models in the world appear from behind a door and walk down a long raised runway, stopping, turning, posing as they go, all with the purpose of showing the advantages of the new designs. The audience is often made up of media representatives, buyers for chain stores, and wealthy individual shoppers.

  5'8": 1 foot is approximately equal to 30.48 cm, and 1 inch is about 2.54 cm. So, 5'8'' is nearly 173 cm.

  Credit cards and debit cards: Credit cards such as VISA and MasterCard are frequently used by people in Western countries to pay for goods and services, and therefore, they do not have to carry large sums of cash with them. Debit cards are gaining popularity because the payment is immediate, while payment by credit card will not be made until a few days later.

  In Western countries some students do part-time jobs to pay for part of their living expenses or even tuition fees.

  Background information: When the song first came out, bikinis were new and many girls felt "exposed" when they wore them. It took a while for them to get used to bikinis. The song is meant to be a humorous look at fashion: This is the first day the girl wears such a swimming suit. On the one hand, she wants to follow the fashion of wearing a bikini. On the other hand, she is shy about being seen in public in such a revealing swimming suit. At first, she is afraid even to come out of the locker room. Then she sits on the beach, but covers herself with a blanket. Finally, she does get into the water, and stays in water even though she is turning blue with cold.

  "Itsy bitsy" and "teenie weenie" are both infrequently used slang expressions that mean very small.(You do not open your mouth wide when you pronounce these words.) They are now used together to help create the impression that the girl's bikini swimming suit is pretty skimpy!

  Unit 7 Does money talk?

  1. coupon 优惠券 6. credit card 信用卡 11. driver's license 驾照

  2. ID card 身份证 7. change 零钱 12. bills 帐单

  3. receipt 收据 8. calculator 计算器 13. wallet 皮夹

  4. address book 电话簿 9. registration papers 机动车登记证

  5. membership card 会员卡 10. business card 名片

  1. I can't find my wallet for the life of me! 我找不到我的皮夹!

  2. I'm flat broke! 我彻底破产了!

  3. I was carded at the disco. 我在舞厅被要求检查证件。

  4. Do you have any ID on you? 你身上有证件吗?

  5. Do you have your receipt? 你有收据吗?

  6. Can I have your membership card please? 可以给我你的会员卡吗?

   俚语  Slang

  I was ripped off! 我被敲竹杠了(我被骗了)。

  He's a bit tight-fisted. 他有点寒酸。

  He's stingy. 他很小气。

  He's a bit of a spendthrift. 他有点奢侈。

  He's got money to burn. 他非常有钱。

   成语 Idioms

  burn a hole in (someone's) pocket (钱等)在口袋里留不住


  All this shopping is burning a hole in my pocket.


  Dialog 1.

  Robert is at the video store. He has chosen a DVD to rent and is now at the counter.


  Robert: How much is it to rent this movie? 罗伯特: 租这片要多少钱?

  Assistant: It's three dollars for two nights. 店员: 租期两夜要三美金。

  Robert: Great. I'll take it. 罗伯特: 太好了。我要这片。

  Assistant: Do you have your membership card? 店员: 你带了你的会员卡了吗?

  Robert: Yes. Oh, do you take these coupons? 罗伯特: 有。喔,你收这些代金券吗?

  Assistant: Yep. With these, you can rent two for the price of one. 店员: 收呀。有这些代金券,你可以用租一部片的价钱租两部片子。

  Robert: Wow! I'll go get another movie then. 罗伯特: 哇!那我再去拿一部。

  Dialog 2.

  Sally meets a businessman at a conference.


  Man: I'm Greg Smith, nice to meet you. 男人: 我是格雷格﹒史密斯,很高兴认识你。

  Sally: I'm Sally, Sally Green. How do you do? 萨莉: 我是萨莉,萨莉﹒格林。你好。

  Man: Here's my business card. 男人: 这是我的名片。

  Sally: Thank you. And . . . here's mine. 萨莉: 谢谢你,这是我的名片。

  Man: I have a couple of coffee coupons, would you like to join me? 男人: 我有一些咖啡代金券,你要和我去喝杯咖啡吗?

  Sally: Sure. I'd love a cup of coffee! 萨莉: 当然,我很乐意来杯咖啡。

  Match the following words with their definitions.

  a. membership card b. address book c. coupon d. wallet e. credit card

  f. change g. business card h. receipt i. driver's license j. ID card

  1. You keep your money and cards in this.

  2. You can use this for a discount.

  3. Sometimes this card has a photo on it.

  4. You need this if you drive your car.

  5. You need this at the video store.

  6. Give this to somebody you meet.

  7. This book has lots of names in it.

  8. Another name for loose coins.

  9. You usually get this after you buy something.

  10. Instead of using cash, you can use this to pay for things.

  Unit 7 Does money talk?

  Word Tips

  digital: 数字的;数码的(expressed in digits, especially for use by a computer)

  discount: 折扣(a reduction made to the usual price)

  mileage: 英里数(total length, extent, or distance measured or expressed in miles)

  banker: 银行家(one serving as an officer or owner of a bank)

  mortgage: 抵押贷款(a sum of money borrowed to buy a house)

  property: 房产(housing property; real estate)

  recession: 衰退(a situation of little economic activity; depression)

  inflation: 通货膨胀(general rise in prices)

  allowance: 零花钱;生活费(money given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose)

  suicide: 自杀(kill oneself)

  bundle: 一捆(钱)(a number of things tied together)

  tuck: 藏(put something in a safe or hidden place)

  dream on: <口;反语>做梦去吧(used for saying that something is unlikely to happen)

  be hard up: 拮据(do not have enough money)

  jam: 困境,困难(a difficult situation)

  miser: 吝啬鬼(a person who hates spending money, and who saves it instead)

  casket: 棺材(a coffin)

  afterlife: 来世(the life that is thought to follow death)

  undertaker: 殡仪员(a funeral director)

  potential: 潜在的(with the possibility for developing)

  purchase: 购买(buy)

  Language and Culture Tips

  go through the roof: exceed the ceiling price

  go back on one's word: break one's promise

  Unit 8 Crime does pay!

  DNA Crime Evidence 犯罪证据

  Narrator: Harry and Sue are policemen.

  旁白: 哈里与苏是警察,

  Narrator: They have just attended a presentation on the use of DNA to solve crime.

  旁白: 他们刚刚参加了一场关于利用DNA 破案的讲座。

  Harry: Do you think that collecting DNA samples from every convicted criminal is worth it?

  哈里: 你认为从每一个罪犯的身上取DNA 样本值得吗?

  Sue: It sure is.

  苏: 当然啦,

  Sue: That way we'll be able to keep records on all known criminals

  苏: 那样一来我们可以保存有前科者的纪录,

  Sue: and use the information in solving new crimes.

  苏: 将来可用来协助破案。

  Harry: Yeah, and we'll be able to save time and money.

  哈里: 没错,我们可以节省很多时间跟金钱。

  Sue: I heard about this case where a girl was raped

  苏: 我听说有一个女孩被强暴的案子,

  Sue: and the police took DNA samples from every man in the area!

  苏: 警察从那个地区所有男人的身上都取了 DNA 样本。

  Harry: That must have been a difficult task.

  哈里: 那肯定很不容易。

  Sue: Not really, and the local men welcomed it.

  苏: 也不会啦,因为那个地方的男人都很合作。

  Harry: Wow. I'd have expected them to be unhappy about that.

  哈里: 哇,我以为他们会反对呢

  Sue: No, not at all.

  苏: 才没有呢,

  Sue: DNA samples prove innocence as well as guilt!

  苏: DNA 样本可以证明有罪,也可以证明清白。

  Harry: I never thought about it like that.

  哈里: 我以前倒是没那样想过,

  Harry: Wow! This could change the way that crimes are solved!

  哈里: 哇,这种做法可能会使破案的方式变得很不一样。

  Word Tips

  caregiver: 照料者(the person who takes care of a child or a sick person)

  puppy: 小狗(a young dog)

  candy: 糖果(sweets)

  stepfather: 继父(the husband of one's mother and not one's natural father)

  beard: 胡须(the hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeks)

  victim: 受害者(a person harmed or killed by somebody or something)

  smuggle: 非法私运,走私(take goods or people from one country to another illegally)

  border: 边境;边界(a part that forms the outer edge of something)

  suspicious: 怀疑的(doubtful)

  inspection: 检查(examination)

  crossing: 道口;口岸(a place where a road can be crossed safely)

  porch: (有顶的)门廊(an entrance to a house which has sides and a roof)

  overlook: 俯视(have a view of something from above)

  bully: 欺负弱小者的人; 恶霸(somebody who acts aggressively toward other people)

  coward: 胆小鬼;懦夫(somebody who is not brave)

  burglary: 盗窃;入室盗窃(the crime of getting into a building to steal things)

  bootlegger: 非法售酒;卖酒者(somebody who makes or sells illegally, especially alcohol)

  fake: 假的;伪造的(having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent)

  rip-off: 高价物(something that charges too much money and is often of poor quality)

  bootleg: 非法制造或售卖(酒等)(make or sell illegally)

  framework: 框架;体制(the structure of a legal or political system, etc.)

  crack down on: 打击(suppress)

  Texas: 德克萨斯州(a state of the south-central United States)

  witness: 证人(a person who gives evidence)

  complaint: 抱怨;投诉(a statement expressing annoyance or unhappiness about something)

  revenge: 报复(take action in return for harm done to someone)

  bankruptcy: 破产(the state of being unable to pay one's debts)

  get even: 报复(revenge)

  cash register: 收银机(a machine used in shops to keep money in and record the amount of money received from each sale)

  safe: 保险箱(a metal container usually having a lock, used for storing valuables)

  windshield: 挡风玻璃(a framed pane of usually curved glass located in front of the occupants of a vehicle to protect them from the wind)

  inconvenience: 不便(the state or quality of being inconvenient)

  relieved: 放心的,宽慰的(feeling happy because one is no longer worried about something)

  vase: 花瓶(an open container, as of glass or porcelain, used for holding flowers or for ornamentation)

  balcony: 阳台(a platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet)

  rack: 架子(a framework or stand in or on which to hold, hang, or display various articles)

  intellectual property: 知识产权(something that someone has created or invented and that no one else is legally allowed to make, copy, or sell)

  illegal: 非法的(unlawful)

  pirated: 盗版的(copying or selling the work of other people without permission)

  piracy: 盗版(the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material)

  Language and Culture Tips

  between you and me: an expression used to tell someone that "what you are about to say will be kept secret"

  Unit 9 Are you safe today?

  Public Safety 公共安全

  Situation: Cindy and Paul, having eaten a lot of delicious Chinese food,

  场景: 辛迪和保罗吃完一顿中国大餐后,

  situation: head toward the subway to return to campus.

  场景: 走向地铁站,准备返回学校。

  Cindy: It's probably not a good idea to be wandering around this neighborhood late at night.

  辛迪: 深夜还在这附近走动或许不太好。

  Paul: Yeah, there are a lot of questionable people hanging around here.

  保罗: 是啊,有许多可疑的人在这附近闲逛。

  Paul: Like this guy here.

  保罗: 就像那边这个人一样。

  Cindy: Don't look at him; maybe he'll go away.

  辛迪: 别看他,也许他就会走开。

  Man: Excuse me, sir, can you spare some change?

  乞丐: 对不起,先生,可以施舍一点零钱吗?

  Paul: No. Not today.

  保罗: 不行,今天不行。

  Man: What about you, pretty lady?

  乞丐: 那你呢,漂亮的小姐?

  Cindy: Go away -- leave us alone.

  辛迪: 走开—离我们远一点。

  Man: Hey, I ain't gonna bite you.

  乞丐: 嘿,我又不会咬你,

  Man: What's your problem?

  乞丐: 你有什么问题啊?

  Paul: Sorry, she doesn't mean it.

  保罗: 抱歉,她不是有意的。

  Paul: We don't have any spare change today.

  保罗: 我们今天没有多余的零钱。

  Cindy: You were so polite to him.

  辛迪: 你对他好客气哦。

  Paul: Well, being rude wouldn't have helped the situation.

  保罗: 嗯,态度粗鲁并不能解决问题。

  Paul: Besides, he wasn't impolite to us.

  保罗: 况且,他也没有对我们不礼貌。

  Cindy: You're right.

  辛迪: 你说得对。

  Cindy: I think I need to work on my street smarts.

  辛迪: 我想我的街头应变能力还得再加强。

  Paul: Good idea.

  保罗: 这就对了。

  Paul: It's important to know how to get around a big city safely.

  保罗: 知道如何在大城市里安全地生活是很重要的。

  situation: That night when Cindy returns home,

  场景: 那天晚上辛迪回家时,

  situation: she bumps into Janice, her host sister.

  场景: 她遇到了她寄宿家庭的姐妹珍妮丝。

  situation: Cindy asks Janice for advice on dealing with panhandlers.

  场景: 辛迪请教珍妮丝如何应付乞丐的问题。

  Janice: Most panhandlers are pretty harmless.

  珍妮丝: 大部分的乞丐一般是不会伤人的。

  Cindy: Yes, but how can I refuse without offending anyone?

  辛迪: 没错,但是我要如何在不冒犯他们的情况下拒绝呢?

  Janice: Politely say sorry and keep walking.

  珍妮丝: 礼貌地说声对不起然后继续走。

  Janice: If you waver or look indecisive,

  珍妮丝: 如果你犹豫或看起来举棋不定,

  Janice: they'll think you are considering giving them some money.

  珍妮丝: 他们会认为你正考虑给钱。

  Cindy: What if they badger you?

  辛迪: 万一他们一再纠缠呢?

  Janice: Most won't, but if they do,

  珍妮丝: 大部分乞丐是不会的,但是如果他们这么做的话,

  Janice: just be polite, don't lose your cool, and keep walking.

  珍妮丝: 只要保持风度,不要惊慌,继续往前走就可以了。

  Cindy: I don't know.

  辛迪: 我不知道。

  Cindy: Sometimes it's just hard for me to figure out what to say.

  辛迪: 有时候,我就是不知道该说些什么才好。

  Janice: Hey! There's going to be a seminar on public safety on campus tomorrow.

  珍妮丝: 哦!明天学校会有一个关于公共安全的研讨会。

  Janice: Want to come?

  珍妮丝: 要不要去?

  Cindy: That'd be great! Count me in!

  辛迪: 那真棒!算我一个!

  --------: (Janice and Cindy sit with Paul at the lecture.

  --------: (珍妮丝、辛迪与保罗坐在一起听讲座。

  --------: Afterwards, Paul asks the speaker a question.)

  --------: 结束后,保罗问了演讲者一个问题。)

  Paul: I heard that an exchange student was shot and killed a couple years back.

  保罗: 我听说几年前有一个交换学生被枪杀。

  Paul: Is this a common occurrence?

  保罗: 请问这种情况很常见吗?

  Speaker: No. The student was going to a Halloween party,

  演讲者: 不是。这名学生是要去参加一个万圣节派对,

  Speaker: but he went to the wrong house.

  演讲者: 但是他走错了房子。

  Speaker: The owner of the house thought the student was an intruder and shouted, "Freeze!"

  演讲者: 屋主以为他是强盗,就大叫"Freeze",

  Speaker: Do you know what that means?

  演讲者: 你知道那是什么意思吗?

  Paul: Don't move, right?

  保罗: 不要动,对不对?

  Speaker: That's correct.

  演讲者: 没错。

  Speaker: The student didn't understand and he ran away,

  演讲者: 这名学生没听懂就跑开了,

  Speaker: so the man shot him.

  演讲者: 所以屋主向他开了枪。

  Speaker: Don't worry; incidents like this are rare.

  演讲者: 别担心;像这样的事件是很少见的。

  Paul: How do we protect ourselves?

  保罗: 我们要如何保护自己呢?

  Speaker: Does anyone have any ideas?

  演讲者: 有没有人有什么意见?

  Janice: It's not a good idea to go out alone at night.

  珍妮丝: 晚上最好不要单独外出。

  Cindy: And in more dangerous parts of town,

  辛迪: 而且在城里较危险的地方,

  Cindy: it's best not to linger.

  辛迪: 最好不要逗留。

  Speaker: Very good..

  演讲者: 很好。

  Speaker: Women should also be particularly careful and should take advantage of the campus student escort service.

  演讲者: 女生也要特别小心,最好是使用学校的学生护送服务。

  Speaker: Does that answer your question?

  演讲者: 这样有没有回答你的问题?

  Paul: Yes, thank you.

  保罗: 有的,谢谢。

  Word Tips

  crash: 撞击(hit something extremely hard, causing a lot of damage)

  investigator: 调查者(one, especially a detective, who investigates)

  Swiss: 瑞士的(of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture)

  terrorism: 恐怖主义(the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence)

  intelligence: 情报(information; news)

  explosion: 爆炸(blowing up)

  collapse: 倒塌(fall down suddenly; cave in)

  seatbelt: 安全带(safety belt; life belt)

  slide: 滑(move smoothly across a surface)

  close-call: 侥幸脱险,死里逃生(a narrow escape)

  hook up: 挂上,钩上(connect something to a piece of equipment, especially using a hook)

  parachute: 降落伞(an apparatus used to slow down free fall from an aircraft)

  grab: 抢;夺(seize)

  intersection: 十字路口(crossroads)

  terror: 恐怖(great fear)

  slam on the brakes: 急刹车(use the brakes quickly and with force)

  bump: 碰撞,冲撞(strike or collide with)

  thick-headed: 愚蠢的(foolish)

  lane: 车道(a strip delineated on a street or highway to accommodate a single line of vehicles)

  brake: 刹车(stop or slow down by using a brake)

  speeding: 超速(exceeding the speed limit)

  trunk: (小汽车后部的)行李箱(boot)

  horrified: 惊悸的,惊骇的(terrified)

  I bet: 打赌,肯定(I'm sure)

  bastard: 讨厌鬼,家伙(slang: an unfriendly person who upsets or harms other people)

  go into labor: 分娩;生产(give birth to a baby)

  southbound: 向南方向的(going toward the south)

  expressway: <美> 高速公路(a major divided highway designed for high-speed travel)

  tunnel: 隧道(an underground or underwater passage)

  cork: (酒瓶的)软木塞(something made of cork, especially a bottle stopper)

  overturn: 倾翻(turn over)

  wagon:(马或牛拉的)四轮大车(a four-wheeled, usually horse-drawn vehicle with a large rectangular body)

  rear: 后部的(back)

  insure: 保险(cover with insurance)

  Language and Culture Tips

  coming the other way : This can mean either "coming in the opposite direction"or"coming from the other side of the intersection". In the above context, it obviously means the latter.

  Unit 10 Want freedom from fear?

  Fear 害怕

  Situation: John and May are at the movies watching a horror film.

  场景: 约翰和梅在电影院看恐怖片。

  -------: (in the movie theater before the movie starts)

  -------: (电影开演前在电影院里)

  John: I've heard the sequel is even better than the original.

  约翰: 我听说续集比第一集好看多了。

  Justin: It really messes with your mind.

  约翰: 它真的会把你吓得六神无主。

  May: Really?I haven't seen the original.

  梅: 真的吗?我没看过第一集。

  John: The best part was when the blood dripped from the ceiling onto the sleeping people.

  约翰: 最精彩的部分是当血从天花板滴到熟睡的人身上那一段。

  May: Oh, gross!

  梅: 哦,好恶心!

  John: It was so realistic.

  约翰: 那很逼真耶。

  May: That's what bothers me.

  梅: 那正是我所烦恼的。

  John: Well, if you want to leave, we can.

  约翰: 好吧,如果你想离开的话,我们就走吧。

  May: Oh, no.

  梅: 哦,不用。

  May: I know you want to see the movie.

  梅: 我知道你想看这部电影。

  -------: (The movie starts.)

  -------: (电影开始了。)

  John: Boy, they don't waste any time.

  约翰: 天啊,真的一点也没有冷场。

  John: The monsters have already sucked out six brains.

  约翰: 怪物已经吸了六颗头了。

  May: I think I'll get some popcorn.

  梅: 我想我去买爆米花好了。

  John: Hurry back,

  约翰: 快点回来,

  John: or you'll miss the best part.

  约翰: 否则你会错过最精彩的部分。

  May: OK, I'm back.

  梅: 好了,我回来了。

  May: Eeks, what is that?

  梅: 啊,那是什么?

  May: I can't look.

  梅: 我不敢看。

  John: It's the bloody slime monster.

  约翰: 那是血腥的黏液怪物,

  John: He's after the little girl and her dog.

  约翰: 它紧追在小女孩和她的小狗后面。

  May: That's it. I'm out of here.

  梅: 够了,我要离开这里。

  May: You can stay if you want.

  梅: 愿意的话你可以留下来。

  John: No, no! That's OK.

  约翰: 不,不!没关系。

  John: I'll go with you.

  约翰: 我跟你一起走。

  Unit 10 Want freedom from fear?

  Word Tips

  gee: 哎呀;哇(used to express surprise, admiration, etc.)

  stiff: 极度地,非常(extremely;very much)

  psychiatrist: 心理医生(a physician who specializes in psychiatry)

  horrible: 恐怖的(terrible)

  rescue: 援救(save somebody or something from a dangerous or unpleasant situation)

  startle: 使吃惊(give a sudden shock or surprise to somebody)

  buzz: 发出嗡嗡的声音(make a low droning or vibrating sound like that of a bee)

  blur: 变得模糊(become unclear)

  unnerve: 使失去勇气;使紧张(make nervous or upset)

  bug: 使烦恼;折磨(bother; annoy)

  cavity: 洞(a hole or space inside something)

  plague: 瘟疫(a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people)

  swell: 膨胀;肿(increase in size or volume as a result of internal pressure; expand)

  cupboard: 衣橱(a closet or cabinet)

  Sydney: (澳大利亚城市)悉尼(a city in southeast Australia on an inlet of the Tasman Sea)

  alligator: 短吻鳄(reptiles with sharp teeth and powerful jaws)

  curiosity: 好奇心(being curious)

  shark: 鲨鱼(a large fish with sharp teeth that lives in the sea)

  participant: 参加者(one that participates, shares, or takes part in something)

  programmer: 程序员(program writer)

  taxi: (飞机)在地面滑行(move slowly along the ground before taking off or after landing)

  runway: (飞机的)跑道(a strip of level, usually paved ground on which aircraft take off and land)

  rattler: 响尾蛇(a rattlesnake)

  garter snake: 束带蛇(北美的无毒条纹小蛇)(a small harmless snake in North America)

  Language and Culture Tips

  I'm two people: a colloquial expression meaning "There are two sides to my character", or "I behave differently in different situations"

