


来源 :中华考试网 2016-07-27

  Part Ⅴ


  这是一篇要求考生就经济发展和道德堕落这一社会现实进行论述的议论文. 全文分三个部分. 第一段是引言: 引入主题和主题句.第二段是正文部分: 指出道德堕落的社会现实现象. 第三段结论部分: 总结全文, 提出解决问题的办法。


  Economic Development and Moral DeclineThese years, the economy in China is advancing by leaps and bounds.With this swift development, people’s life is better off and they get much more money to spend. But it’s human nature that they want to get even more. Money worship is sweeping across the whole country. With the popular misconception that money is everything, many immoral social phenomena have emerged. One of them is moral decline.

  Leaving the theft, robbery aside, corrupt conducts are getting more rampant. For instance, offering and taking bribes is becoming increasingly a social malady in the privileged class. For businessmen, they have a different morality which permits them to willfully produce ineffective or even dangerous products, advertise their products dishonestly. For some richest persons, they get confused about their life. They are occupied with nothing all day long and don’t know how to make themselves more satisfied, as a result they take drugs, among many other unlawful practices, to seek fun. They have money, but they have lost their aim in life and can’t find happiness.

  Am I suggesting that we should discard all the money and go back to the “poor days”? No! the wheel of history can’t be stopped. But if moral decline is the inevitable product of the economic development, we can certainly lay down some effective laws to stop the degeneration. If so, a bright and healthy future is sure to come and stay with us!



  credit: 功劳,荣誉, 赞扬;信用,信贷,赊欠。

  insight: 洞察力;

  integrity: 正直,诚实;

  personality: (鲜明的)个性

  indulge: 沉溺于;使高兴,使享受;纵容,迁就。

  conduct: 经营,处理,管理

  advocate: 提倡,倡导。

  confirmation: 证实;确认,批准。

  prevail: 后常接over,意思是:战胜;流行。

  anticipate: 预料,预期;先发制人,(抢先行动来)阻止。


  carry off: 赢得(奖章),成功或轻而易举地处理或应付。

  touch on: 关系到,涉及;(简单或顺便)谈到或提到。

  be attributed to: 归因于。

  be dedicated to: 把(时间,精力等)用于,把(自己,一生等)献给(后跟to)。


