


来源 :中华考试网 2016-07-01

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  41.Normally he is rather ____ but sometimes he talks freely about himself.

  A) reserved B) serious C) sociable D) peaceful

  42.Obviously these are all factors affecting smooth operation, but the ____ problem is still to be identified.

  A) operational B) underlying C) operating D) underneath

  43.The flat we have rented is very ____ for the underg round station.

  A) enjoyable B) convenient C) near D) suitable

  44.Water is readily ____ hydrogen and oxygen.

  A) broken down B) broken up

  C) broken into D) broken out

  45.You can ____ your shorthand ability by taking notes in shorthand during lectures.

  A) keep in B) keep on

  C) keep out D) keep up

  46.We have a high regard for Mr. Powell because he always ____ his principles.

  A) lives up to B) lives out

  C) lives on D) lives through

  47.I wandered through the cool ____ of the forest trees.

  A) shadow B) dark

  C) shade D) obscurity

  48.The pilot must have been completely ____ to fly in this weather.

  A) clever B) sensuous

  C) sane D) insane

  49.The melting of the snow has caused flooding by ____rivers.

  A) expanded B) overgrown

  C) increased D) swollen

  50.I objected to ____ for such an unpleasant job.

  A) being picked on B) being picked out

  C) being picked up D) being picked at

  51.The sky looks lighter. I think the weather is ____.

  A) clearing away B) clearing

  C) becoming clearer D) clearing up

  52.Before you run ____ other people, it is as well to consider your own faults.

  A) over B) down

  C) after D) into

  53.We hadn't realized that there would be a power cut, so we were astonished when the whole house ____ into darkness.

  A) thrown B) drowned

  C) dropped D) plunged

  54.After a certain age one tries in ____ to change one

  ' s fixed habits.

  A) order B) vain

  C) silence D) defence

  55.Switzerland is wellknown for impressive mountainous ____.

  A) views B) scene

  C) scenery D) Nature

  56.If you have finished with these tools, I wish you'd ____ them ____.

  A) put…apart B) put…away

  C) put…forward D) put…down

  57.A long line of traffic had to wait at the ____ until the train had passed.

  A) crossroads B) level crossing

  C) bridge D) junction

  58.A trip to the Antarctic is ____ safe if you take the necessary precautions.

  A) within reason B) reasonably

  C) in doubt D) doubt

  59.The Andersons have not ____ yet and I doubt if they will now.

  A) turned up B) turned in

  C) turned down D) come in

  60.When I asked her advice, she ____ the matter and then told me not to go.

  A) answered B) explained

  C) pondered D) wandered

  61.His son expected to ____ a business.

  A) reside B) construct

  C) eliminate D) set up

  62.The club members voted to ____ the ban on smoking.

  A) refrain B) inquire

  C) recess D) abolish

  63.Did your parents ____ the work you have done?

  A) commend B) command

  C) consent D) mumble

  64.The expedition reached the ____ at tenthirty that morning.

  A) summit B) main trail

  C) starting point D) site

  65.We had to start at exactly the same time, so we had our watches ____.

  A) transfixed B) stabilized

  C) temporized D) synchronized

  66.Some people in position of power are using their ____wrongly and this seriously affects the present reform.

  A) force B) privileges

  C) advantages D) merits

  67.You must have ____ the examination before Friday, so bring your money to the office as soon as possible.

  A) passed B) sat for

  C) entered for D) taken

  68.The spokesman claimed that most people ____ the government's economic policy as a success.

  A) look out B) look up

  C) look ahead D) look on

  69.It was felt that he lacked the ____ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.

  A) engagement B) persuasion

  C) commitment D) preservation

  70.When the tire blew out, the rules Jack had learned in driving classes ____ him ____ safe.

  A) carried…away B) carried…forward

  C) carried… off D) carried…through

