


来源 :中华考试网 2018-06-17


  长对话中,男的先说,Sophia, how are you doing,女的说, I’m on holiday with my family in Thailand at the moment, although I wish it were with my friends instead.而且在对白当中你会发现女的和男的关系,这个女是主导话题关系。男的说苏菲雅你干什么呢?女的说我在泰国游玩,但是我挺想跟朋友在一起的。紧接着男的说Really? You never said you are going to Thailand. How I envy you !真的吗?我太嫉妒你了,你也没有说你去泰国。紧接着女的说I’ve only been in here a week, but you know Thailand is an amazing place,泰国特别好。

  然后对话继续往下进行,Sophia说I met a guy from Germany yesterday. He showed me around the office that he works at. Then I met many volunteer teachers who are mainly young people from Europe.遇到一个德国的小伙,我们今天离开的时候他还挺悲伤,我想做志愿者再回来。

  对话即将结束的时候,这个男的说不能跟你说了,我得挂了。他给了你一个理由, My phone battery is almost dead now.说我得挂电话了,手机快没电了。所以是非常简单的对白。Remember to get me something from the souvenir shops. I like to collect bits and pieces from different parts of the world.别忘了在纪念品商店给我带点东西,我特别喜欢手机全国各地的小物件。所以这个对白难度不大。


  第一道题,In today’s job market, it is not a common for job seekers to send applications for many positions.说我发现这些找工作的人把自己的简历发给很多地方,这个不多见,花很多的时间following the developments on the fashion, and miss the important deadlines, confuse interview times or forget to follow up a result,这几个方面放在一起并列,最后我们说,如果是三个并列在一起,被考的可能性不大。

  第二道题,If you familiar with Microsoft Excel or a similar program, creating a table is a simple and effective way to keep track your job applications.这个地方给你一个建议,如果你对表格熟悉的话,你可以做一个表。You can also link up with Google calendar to make sure you make top with the important dates.你也可以把自己同步到谷歌的日历上。所以你又可以不会忘掉一些重要的日子。

  第三道题,在文章行将结束的地方你可以看到这样的词,叫做you should always focus on the quality not the quantity,所以你一定要去关注质量,而不是关注数量。这不就是给你的意见和建议吗?


  考试第一题,文章开篇说有一个叫Kelly的人去save her car,紧接着就出现了一个词Rattlesnakes,Rattlesnakes叫响尾蛇。接着一个关键词“but”出现,But the woman say the rattlesnake terrified her on her ways . 说明把她给吓到了。

  接着我们听到Kelly called for help and, Washington control animal office would capture the snake. 我们看到后面第二题答案就来自于结尾这句,说Kelly打电话给华盛顿动物管理中心抓这个蛇。所以此题难度不大。

