


来源 :中华考试网 2016-10-18

  The deal also provides help in the transportation of crops other than coca leaves, which are used to make cocaine.

  The peace agreement also requires the government to campaign against violent criminal groups known as BACRIM. Some of these groups were once paramilitary fighters. They also trafficked in cocaine, fought FARC and targeted rights activists.

  FARC members can avoid prison if they admit their crimes and make reparations in what is being called a truth-and-reconciliation process.

  FARC would become a legal political party and gain representation in congress.

  If the agreement is approved by the October referendum, FARC’s 7,000 fighters would begin moving to special areas. They would then hand over their weapons to United Nations-supported observers.

  FARC has also agreed to cooperate with efforts to remove mines from the country. Colombia is estimated to have the second largest number of mines in the world after Afghanistan.

  A U.S. official, who asked not to be named, said the peace deal is more than an agreement to put down weapons.

  “It really includes a major transformation of Colombia itself. It includes a far-reaching commitment to bring government services, security, police, education, health, roads, economic development to the vast stretches of the interior that have been left out of national life,” said the official.

  If FARC does disarm, Colombia still will have to deal with armed, violent groups. Under the deal, the government has promised to control the BACRIM.

  But, it still has no peace agreement with the smaller rebel group called the National Liberation Army.

  I’m Mario Ritter.


  Words in This Story

  referendum – n. a public vote on a specific issue rather than a representative

  title – n. a legal right to land ownership

  impunity – n. freedom from punishment

  amnesty – n. a decision that a group of people will not be punished or that a group of prisoners will be allowed to go free

  valid – adj. approved, according to the law

  reconciliation – n. the act of causing people or groups to become friendly again after conflict

  transformation – n. a complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance, form, etc.

  commitment – n. a promise to do or give something

  vast – adj. very great in size, amount, or extent

  interior – n. the part of a country that is far from the coast

