


来源 :中华考试网 2021-08-13

  What are the differences between dogs and cats, if you have both a cat and a dog in your home?


  获得1.4k好评的回答@Bushra Khan:

  I have 2 dogs and 25 cats currently. And here are the differences I've observed:



  1.When you pet them


  Dog - “Ooh! I love being petted, this is perfect. I love you human. I love you so much, you are amazing.


  Cat - “ I wanna be petted, but I also wanna scratch your hand and watch you bleed.



  2. When you feed them


  Dog - “ This is the yummiest food on earth, I am so grateful, did I tell you I love you human? I love you very much.


  Cat - “ I don't like this food, I wanna eat that lizard on the wall or the dog’s food. But anyway I will eat this and vomit it out on the carpet. You should be grateful.


  3. When they break something


  Dog - “ I am so sorry human. I am never gonna do this again, I am a bad boy.



  Cat - “ I am gonna knock this one off the table too and break everything to pieces, I am the God.

  ” 猫:“我要把桌子上这个也弄掉,把所有东西都撕碎,我才是上帝。”

  4. On meeting visitors


  Dog - “ Oh! My human’s human. I love you too. Would you like to play in our garden? Would you like to see my bed? You can have my favorite socks. I am so excited.


  Cat - “ F*ck no! Stay away. Get out of here before I burn this house down.


  5. When you call them


  Dog - “ I heard you calling, I got so excited and came running to you. I love you human, thanks for calling my name. I know you love me.


  Cat - “ What the hell does this stupid human want from me now?


  6. When you come back home


  Dog - “ You've been gone forever, I missed you so much. I thought you left, I am so happy you didn't die. I love you.


  Cat - “ Feed me!!


  7. Kind of presents


  Dog - “ I've brought these dirty socks for you. I’ve some sticks and some old newspapers too. They are all yours.


  Cat - “ I kept this dead mouse on your pillow to surprise you, I’ve a bird too if you want. This is my favorite leaf, you can keep it.


  Despite all these differences both cats and dogs love their human very much!


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题


