


来源 :中华考试网 2020-08-21

  Fermented foods


  Eating probiotic-rich foods has a modest effect on high blood pressure,per a review of nine studies.The study participants who saw a positive impact on their blood pressure had multiple species of probiotic bacteria regularly for more than 8 weeks.To boost your probiotic intake,try adding kimchi,kombucha,tempeh,and miso to your diet.




  Not only are lentils a great source of protein and fiber,but they can also affect blood pressure.Again,this is thanks to potassium—100 grams of split red lentils have more potassium than a banana,per Lentils.org.Here are 9 surprising things that you didn’t know were affecting your blood pressure.




  If you’re not a fan of skim milk,yogurt could be a great alternative to fulfill your dairy needs and help fight/lower high blood pressure.According to the American Heart Association,women who ate five or more servings of yogurt a week experienced a 20 percent reduction in their risk for developing high blood pressure.Dairy also contains calcium which is essential for healthy blood pressure since the mineral helps blood vessels tighten and relax when necessary,per Harvard Medical School.

  如果你不喜欢脱脂牛奶,酸奶可能是一个很好的选择来满足你的乳制品需求,还能帮助你对抗/降低高血压。根据美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)的数据,每周喝五份或五份以上酸奶的女性患高血压的风险降低了20%。根据哈佛医学院的研究,乳制品还含有对健康血压至关重要的钙,因为这种矿物质可以帮助血管在必要时收缩和放松。



  Flavonoids have been linked to lower blood pressure and hypertension.That’s why berries like blueberries and blackberries are good to have on hand to add to oatmeal,yogurt,or smoothies.One study found that people with hypertension who had the highest intake of antioxidants via berries reduced their risk of high blood pressure by 8 percent.Here are 6 serious health dangers of even slightly high blood pressure.


  Garlic and herbs


  Is there anything garlic can’t do?The vegetable is praised in natural medicine and is linked to lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure,too,according to Healthline.This natural antibiotic has the active ingredient allicin to thank for its health benefits.Plus,more research shows eating garlic alters how blood vessels dilate,resulting in blood pressure changes as well.




  Some research on watermelon extract and high blood pressure suggests the amino acid citrulline found in the fruit may help manage high blood pressure.One study found those who took watermelon extract showed reduced blood pressure specifically in the ankles and arm arteries.Other studies on mice also show watermelon’s positive effect.Although more research is needed to determine the specifics,eating fruit like watermelon isn’t going to hurt.




  As little as one serving of pistachios a day could reduce blood pressure,according to the results from one study.Another study also found that the nut may lower blood pressure during stressful times thanks to its effect on blood vessel tightening and heart rate.These are the 8 foods you need to watch out for if you have high blood pressure.




  Kiwis are another fruit that positively impacts blood pressure.Some researchers studied how the fruit fares compared to apples.They found that eating three kiwis a day over eight weeks reduced blood pressure in people with slightly high blood pressure more so than eating one apple per day during the same time.A daily serving of kiwi was also found to reduce blood pressure in people with only mildly elevated levels.Kiwis are also an excellent source of vitamin C which can also also improve blood pressure.


  Salmon and fish with omega-3’s


  Fish,such as salmon,and others that have a high omega-3 content could benefit people with high blood pressure.Research shows these omegas can lower blood pressure.The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least twice per week.




  This spice could lower blood pressure in the short-term,according to an analysis of three studies.More research is necessary on the long-term impact,but a dash of cinnamon on your oatmeal or over fruit could do more good than harm.


  Olive oil


  Add olive oil to your blood pressure shopping list.The main reason for this benefit is because of polyphenols.These compounds are known for fighting inflammation and reducing blood pressure,according to UCDavis.That’s why olive oil is a key part of the DASH diet and one of the foods that lower blood pressure.Next,check out the 11 things you need to know about the DASH diet.


