


来源 :中华考试网 2020-08-04


  The death toll is the worst in any clash between the two since 1967, and the first loss of life since 1975.


  解析:这一句英文里,最难以把握的一个词就是worst。原因是,通常在我们的印象里,death toll似乎不会与the worst进行搭配,即the death toll is bad并不是一个习惯性的搭配, 而the death toll通常是与high by number or account搭配。不过,the worst 并不只是bad的最高级,本身也有独立的意思,即“最坏的事;最糟的情况”,The worst is the most unpleasant or unfavourable thing that could happen or does happen. 例如:Though mine safety has much improved, miners' families still fear the worst./尽管矿井的安全状况有了很大改善,矿工的家属仍然害怕最糟的情况会发生。The country had come through the worst of the recession. /该国已经度过了经济衰退最糟糕的时期。也就是说,the worst在这里可以指“冲突中出现了死亡(人数)是1967年以来最糟糕的情况”。不过,“情况最糟糕”不只两国边境冲突的状况,而是“死亡人员”是冲突中最多的一次。而且,英文句中还有一个强化,即the first loss of life since 1975。这就很明显地可以推断出,the death toll不只是一个简单的死亡人数,而是自1967年中印边境战争后出现的死亡人数最多的——这当然会是两国边境冲突中最糟糕的情况了。另外,the death toll的意思是“(事故、灾难或战争中的)死亡人数”,即 The death toll of an accident, disaster, or war is the number of people who die in it. 例如:The death toll from the violence has reached 47./由暴力事件引起的死亡人数已经达到47。



  参考译文:The launch mission of the last satellite for the global constellation deployment of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) was postponed.

  解析:中文虽然只有一句,但意思却有两层。一层是“长征三号乙运载火箭发射任务推迟”,另一层则是“长征三号乙运载火箭发射北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星”。在中文里,用如此长的动宾结构来做“长征三号乙运载火箭”的定语,其实是不常见的。不过,在这个句子里使用,还是显得很严谨。那么,在英文里,可能相应地结构来译,似乎也是可以的。参考译文是新华社的版本,而中国日报的版本略有变化,而大体一致:The launch mission for the final satellite in the third-generation network of China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System has been postponed。这两个版本有一个同样的特点,就是整个主语很工,甚至显得头重脚轻,不太符合英文结构平衡的要求 。拟修改为:The launch mission was postpone for the final satellite in the third-generation network of China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System.


  The indignation of those who brought down Colston may have been righteous, but they were wrong to topple him themselves.

  参考译文:那些推倒爱德华·科斯顿(Edward Colston)雕像的人来说,他们的愤怒情绪可能有合理性,不过,他们自己动手,就不正当了。

  解析: 首先,先来了解一下indigation的意思,“愤怒;愤慨;义愤”,即Indignation is the feeling of shock and anger which you have when you think that something is unjust or unfair. 例如:She was filled with indignation at the conditions under which miners were forced to work./矿工们被迫在如此恶劣的条件下工作,她感到异常愤怒。 No wonder he could hardly contain his indignation./难怪他几乎抑制不住自己的愤怒。另一个词是topple,意思是“(使)摇摇欲坠;(使)不稳而倒下”,即If someone or something topples somewhere or if you topple them, they become unsteady or unstable and fall over. 例如:He just released his hold and toppled slowly backwards./他刚一松开手就缓缓向后倒下。整个句子是the indignation may have been righteous, but they were wrong to topple him themselves,指的是一种情况与一种行为的对比。另外,righteous与wrong的意思相反。Righteous表示(情绪)“合理”,那么wrong就表示(行为)“不当”。


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