


来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-13

  定期存款 time deposit; fixed deposit; fixed account

  定向培训 target training; job-oriented training

  定向生 targeted-area student

  定向增发 additional stock issue tailed for...

  定向招生 enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas

  定心丸 mind relief

  钉子户 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project

  定价机制 pricing mechanism

  钉子户 Nail household

  丢车保帅 give up a pawn to save a chariot; sacrifice something minor to save something major

  底线 bottom line

  底 薪 base pay (Base pay is the fixed compensation paid to an employee for performing specific job responsibilities. It is typically paid as a salary, hourly or piece rate.)

  低腰露臀裤 hiphuggers

  第一产业 primary industry

  东道国 host country

  动感 dynamic

  动感电影,多维电影 mult idimensional movie (3D or 4D etc.)

  东盟 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

  东盟地区论坛 ASEAN Regional Forum

  东盟自由贸易区 ASEAN Free Trade Area

  东南亚国家联盟 ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations)

  动迁户 households to be relocated

  董事会 board of directors

  动土仪式 ground-breaking ceremony (Construction work on the Shanghai Disneyland theme park began Friday, company sources said. A ground-breaking ceremony was held in the morning. Cost for the project is estimated at 24.5 billion yuan ($3.7 billion). 据迪斯尼公司的消息,上海迪斯尼乐园于周五开工,当天早上举行了动土仪式。该工程预计要花费 245 亿元(合 37 亿美元)。)

  东西对话 East-West dialogue

  冻雨 freezing rain (Icy weather and freezing rain continue to batter five regions across South China. The wild weather has caused chaos to power facilities and expressways, and disrupted local residents' lives. 冰冷天气和冻雨将继续侵袭南方的五个地区。极端天气已经引起电力设施和高速公路的混乱,扰乱了当地居民的生活。)动车 组 bullet train (Bullet trains, with bullet-shaped locomotives, are designed based on aerodynamic theories, allowing the train to run at a high speed. China launched its first batch of homemade bullet trains on April 18, which can run at 200 kilometers per hour.)

  豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project

  斗牛士 bullfighter

  豆腐脑 jellied bean curd

  逗 留 sojourn (The 50 Chinese children from quake-hit area had a wonderful summer sojourn in Hungary for seeking solace and mental recovery. 来自地震灾区的 50 名儿童今夏在匈牙利度过了愉快暑假,心智创伤得到恢复。)

  都 市 圈 metropolis circle (The Yangtze River delta area metropolis circle is expected to take over the Tokyo metropolis circle as the world's largest one around 2018, according to a report released in Shanghai Tuesday. 9 月 23 日在上海发表的《2007 中国都市圈评价报告》显示,到 2018 年左右,长三角都市圈将有望赶上东京都市圈,成为世界上的第一大都市圈。)

  独家代理 exclusive agency

  度假外交 holiday-making dip lomacy

  独家新闻 scoop

  独立董事 independent director

  独立关税区 separate customs territory

  独立国家联合体(独联体) the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

  独立核算工业企业 independent accounting enterprise

  独立自主自办的原则 principle of independence and self-governance

  杜鲁门主义 Truman Doctrine

  毒 骡 drug mule (More Chinese women duped to bedrug mules--Foreign drug traffickers are duping an increasing number of Chinese women, especially young victims, into carrying drugs into China, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) has said. 更多的中国妇女受骗成“毒骡”——海关总署表示,越来越多的中国妇女,特别是年轻女子,受外国毒贩的诱骗后将毒品带进中国。)

  独苗 the only son or daughter; the only child

  独生子女 the only child in one's family

  毒枭 drug trafficker

  独资经营 sing le-investor enterprise; sole proprietorship enterprise; sole investment enterprise

  断档 severed shelf; sold out

  断 电 power outage (Unusually cold weather and the resulting soaring energy consumption for heating have caused power outages and shortages of natural gas in parts of central and eastern China. 异常寒冷的天气和随之而来热能消耗的剧增导致华中和华东部分地区断电和天然气的短缺。)断交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)

  断码 short in size

  短期放款 money at call and short notice

  短期债务 floating debt

  端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival

  短线产品 products in short supply; goods in short supply

  短信 short messages; text messages

  断章取义 quote one's words out of context

  短期工作实习 internship

  短 租 房 short-term housing, short-term apartment (Despite the quickly-approaching Olympic Games, the cost for short-term housing near the Bird's Nest during the Games has plummeted as much as 50%, with room for negotiation, according to statistics. An oversupply of short-term apartments and the red-hot hotel reservation service are the major reasons for the sharp decrease, a real estate agent said. 数据显示,随着奥运会的临近,"鸟巢"附近的奥运短租房月租价格不但没有上升,反而大幅度下降,跌幅普遍达到 50%,且价格还可以再商量。房产中介称,目前这种短租房的租金价格大幅下跌是因为供大于求,而酒店预订则相对火热。)


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



