


来源 :中华考试网 2020-04-21

  倡导全民阅读,建设书香社会encourage a love of reading in all our people to build a nation of avid readers

  鼓励社会力量兴办养老设施,发展社区和居家养老we will encourage the opening of nongovernmental elderly care facilities, and develop community-based and at-home elderly care

  把信访纳入法治轨道,及时就地解决群众合理诉求we will ensure that the handling of public complaints filed through letters and visits is brought into line with the rule of law, and see to it that all justified complaints and demands are resolved promptly and locally

  深化平安中国建设we will uphold law and order in China

  黄赌毒pornography, gambling, drug abuse and trafficking

  环境污染是民生之患、民心之痛environmental pollution is a blight on people's quality of life and a trouble that weighs on their hearts

  要铁腕治理we must fight it with all our might

  实行从水源地到水龙头全过程监管carry out oversight over the whole process, from the source to the tap

  对偷排偷放者出重拳,让其付出沉重的代价 crack down on those guilty of creating illegal emissions and ensure they pay a heavy price for such offenses

  对姑息纵容者严问责,使其受到应有的处罚 hold those who allow illegal emissions to account, punishing them accordingly

  光伏发电photovoltaic power

  生物质能biomass energy

  页岩气、煤层气shale gas and coal seam gas

  生态环保贵在行动、成在坚持in ecological protection, progress comes only through action, and success only through persistence

  我们必须紧抓不松劲,一定要实现蓝天常在、绿水长流、永续发展we must take a firm and unrelenting approach in this work, to ensure we always have blue skies, lucid waters, and sustainable development

  严格规范公正文明执法enforce the law in a strict, well-regulated, impartial, and appropriate manner

  一切违法违规的行为都要追究,一切执法不严不公的现象都必须纠正we must see to it that all violations of laws and regulations are investigated and prosecuted, and all failures to strictly and impartially enforce the law are rectified

  民主党派non-CPC parties

  无党派人士public figures without party affiliation

  倡俭治奢encourage thrift and oppose extravagance

  要以权力瘦身为廉政强身we will shed powers to make government cleaner

  努力铲除腐败土壤eradicate the breeding grounds of corruption

  始终保持反腐高压态势our tough stance on corruption is here to stay

  对腐败分子零容忍、严查处our tolerance for corruption is zero, and anyone guilty of corruption will be dealt with seriously


  we will see to it that every instance of corruption, should it be committed higher up or lower down, is severely punished

  切实做到勤政为民work with diligence for the people

  始终把群众冷暖忧乐放在心头keep the wellbeing of the people at the forefront of their minds

  对实绩突出的,要大力褒奖commend those who perform well

  对工作不力的,要约谈诫勉admonish those who do not

  对为官不为、懒政怠政的,要公开曝光、坚决追究责任 expose and hold to account those who are indolent, sloppy, or neglectful of their duties

  海外侨胞和归侨侨眷overseas Chinese nationals,overseas Chinese nationals who have returned to China and the relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who themselves live in China

  深化国防和军队改革,提高国防和军队建设法治化水平we will deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and increase the level of rule of law in their development

  密切骨肉亲情,拉近心理距离deepen their bonds of kinship, bring hearts and minds closer together

  不可阻挡、不可逆转的历史潮流a historical trend that can be neither resisted nor reversed

  紧密团结在…的周围rally closely around

  凝神聚力,开拓创新work together to break new ground

  在市场竞争中优胜劣汰let market competition determine which businesses survive

  促进工业化和信息化深度融合we will promote the extensive application of information technologies in industrialization

  开发利用网络化、数字化、智能化等技术develop and utilize networking, digitalization, and smart technologies

  新兴产业和新兴业态是竞争高地emerging industries and new types of businesses are areas of intense competition

  加强大型农产品批发、仓储和冷链等现代物流设施建设strengthen the building of modern logistics facilities such as large-scale wholesale, storage, and cold chain facilities for agricultural produce

  职务发明on-the-job inventions

  职称评定appraise them for the conferral of professional titles

  引进国外高质量人才和智力attract high-caliber foreign professionals and bring in other expertise from overseas

  中小微企业大有可为medium, small, and micro businesses can accomplish great things

  要扶上马、送一程,使“草根”创新蔚然成风、遍地开花 we need to give them a leg up to get them going; with these efforts, China's grassroots innovation can sprout up and grow strong, bringing flowers of creation to every field

  前沿技术研究research in cutting-edge technologies

  把亿万人民的聪明才智调动起来,就一定能够迎来万众创新的浪潮by giving free rein to the talent and ingenuity of the Chinese people, we will welcome in a new high tide of popular innovation

  高龄和失能老人the very elderly, elderly people with disabilities


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



