


来源 :中华考试网 2019-06-11


  1. 和平稳定是发展的前提和基础。

  Peace and stability form the prerequisite and foundation for development. /Peace and stability serve as the prerequisite and bedrock of development.


  2. 上个世纪,人类经历了两次世界大战,生灵涂炭,经济社会发展遭受严重挫折。

  Last century witnessed two world wars during which man suffered untold miseries and the world economic and social development underwent severe setbacks.


  3. 我们应该坚持国家不论大小、强弱、贫富都是国际社会平等一员,以民主、包容、合作、共赢的精神实现共同安全

  All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. We should work for common security in a spirit of democracy, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win progress.

  点评:该句与第一篇二级笔译的英译汉文中的一个句式结构相似:“不论大小,强弱,贫富”,可以按照让步状语从句的特色句式译成:All countries, be they large or small, weak or strong, rich or poor, should enjoy equal footing in the international community. 我们在汉译英的讲解中曾经练习过类似的句子:大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等。Equal are the generous gifts blessed by nature to all human individuals, be they rich or poor.

  4. 尊重文明多样性,在交流互鉴、取长补短中相得益彰、共同进步。

  And we should respect the diversity of civilizations and pursue common progress through mutual learning and drawing on each other's strength.

  点评:该句中“取长补短”的译法是一个要点,汉语中很多表达法习惯与正反同步式,而英语中的表达习惯是或正,或反式,因此,翻译该成语切勿译成:draw on each other’s strength and make up each other’s weakness。我们在培训中强调的成语译法,如:有增无减 be on the constant increase,而不能译成:increase without decrease。

  [Passage 2]

  北京周报 2011年第47期 11月24日出版

  1. 1882年中国第一盏电灯在上海点亮,这使得中国逐渐告别了油灯和蜡烛照明的历史,中国也成为白炽灯的生产和消费大国。

  The year 1992 marked China’s first lamp in Shanghai, which enabled China to bid its farewell to oil lamps and candles/which put a gradual end to China’s use of oil lamps and candles, thus making China one of the big producers and consumers of incandescent bulbs.

  点评:该句如前所述,如法炮制,句型结构相同。在“告别了。。。的历史”一句中可以适当考虑增加一点色彩。如:…which gradually bid its farewell to oil lamps and candles. 但注意:不要将“历史”译出来,否则就会出现Chinglish. 我们讲过,在汉语中的“历史”二字,在英语中是否使用history,要看其前后的搭配。比如,“据史料记载”,应译成:It is recorded that…/According to records。在英语中并不存在it is historically recorded that…/according to historical records这样的表达方式。我们在课上特别推荐大家使用的日本语言研究社出版的《英语搭配大词典》的作用就在于此。在汉译英的学习过程中通过该词典的频繁使用就会逐渐摆脱汉化英语Chinglish。

  2. 中国绿色照明工程的实施,推动了照明电器行业结构的优化升级和产品质量的整体提升。

  The implementation of China’s green lighting program has given an impetus to the optimization of the lighting industrial structure and to the integral upgrading of the quality of the product.

  点评:该句中“优化”,“提升”以及“推动”是要点。英语书面语表达的一个特点是词汇与词汇之间的固定搭配the optimization of …structure/upgrading of…quality以及复合谓语动词的使用,即,动词+名词+介词共同形成谓语部分:give an impetus to …

  3. 一些企业产品质量和工艺水平已达到世界领先水平。

  Some enterprises have already led the world with their superior quality and workmanship.

  点评:该句中“质量”,“水平”与动词“达到”在英语中就不是正常的搭配关系,根据日本语言研究社的《英语搭配大辞典》,我们可以找到相关的合理组合,亦即上面的参考译文,以“企业”作主语,“达到”作谓语,“水平”作宾语,“质量”与“工艺”作方式状语(介词短语)。我们在讲课中曾讲过这样的句子:中国人民非常钦佩美国人民的开拓精神。The Chinese people appreciate the Americans for their pioneering spirit.而不要译成:The Chinese people appreciate the pioneering spirit of the American.






