


来源 :中华考试网 2016-08-09



  2.voice of experience

  3.do cold call

  4.in a figurative sense

  5.baccalaureate service


  7.publicly available

  8.rational choice

  9.pretense of invulnerability

  10.a generous starting salary

  11.the promise of future wealth

  12.burden you with no small


  14.this is the best news

  15.live self-consciously

  本文节选自美国哈佛现任校长著名历史学家在2008届本科毕业典礼上的讲话。她是哈佛第28任校长,也是1636年建校以来的首位女校长。她曾说 过:“我希望我的任命能够成为一个开启机会大门的标志性事件,在上—代人的时代,这样的机会还难以想象。我不是哈佛大学女校长,我是哈佛大学校长”。该演讲难度偏高,请仔细听录音。

  Baccalaureate Address to Class of 2008

  You have been undergraduates for four years. I have been president for not quite one. You have known three presidents;I one senior class. Where then lies the voice of experience? Maybe you should be offering the wisdom. Perhaps our roles could be reversed and I could, in Harvard Law School style, do cold calls for the next hour or so.

  We all do seem to have made it to this point—more or less in one piece. Though I recently learned that we have not provided you with dinner since May 22. I know we need to wean you from Harvard in a figurative sense. I never knew we took it quite so literally.

  But let's return to that notion of cold calls for a moment. Let's imagine this were a baccalaureate service in the form of Q &A. and you were asking the questions. “What is the meaning of life,President Faust? What were these four

  years at Harvard for? President Faust, you must have learned something since you graduated from college exactly 40 years ago?” (Forty years. I'll say it out loud since every detail of my life—and certainly the year of my Bryn Mawr degree-now seems to be publicly available. But please remember I was young for my class.)

  I find myself in some ways less interested in answering your question than in figuring out why you are posing it. If Professors Goldin and Katz have it right;if finance is indeed the “rational choice,” why do you keep raising this issue with me? Why does this seemingly rational choice strike a number of you as not understandable,as not entirely rational,as in some sense less a free choice than a compulsion or necessity? Why does this seem to be troubling so many of you?

  Let's for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our imperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some answers to your question.

  I think you are worried because you want your lives not just to be conventionally successful, but to be meaningful, and you are not sure how those two goals fit together. You are not sure if a generous starting salary at a prestigious brand name organization together with the promise of future wealth will feed your soul.

  Why are you worried? Partly it is our fault. We have told you from the moment you arrived here that you will be the leaders responsible for the future, that you are the best and the brightest on whom we will all depend, that you will change the world. We have burdened you with no small expectations. And you have already done remarkable things to fulfill them: your dedication to service demonstrated in your extracurricular engagements, your concern about the future of the planet expressed in your vigorous championing of sustainability, your reinvigoration of American politics through engagement in this year’s presidential contests.

  I think there is a second reason you are worried—related to but not entirely distinct from the first. You want to be happy. You have flocked to courses like “Positive Psychology”—Psych 1504—and “The Science of Happiness” in search of tips. But how do we find happiness? I can offer one encouraging answer: get older. Turns out that survey data show older people—that is, my age—report themselves happier than do younger ones. But perhaps you don’t want to wait.

  I think of this as my parking space theory of career choice, and I have been sharing it with students for decades. Don't park 20 blocks from your destination because you think you’ll never find a space. Go where you want to be and then circle back to where you have to be.

  But what is ultimately most important here is that you are asking the question—not just of me but of yourselves. You are choosing roads and at the same time challenging your own choices. You have a notion of what you want your life to be and you are not sure the road you are taking is going to get you there. This is the best news. And it is also, I hope, to some degree, our fault. Noticing your life, reflecting upon it,considering how you can live it well, wondering how you can do good: these are perhaps the most valuable things that a liberal arts education has equipped you to do. A liberal education demands that you live self-consciously. It prepares you to seek and define the meaning inherent in all you do. It has made you an analyst and critic of yourself, a person in this way supremely equipped to take charge of your life and how it unfolds. It is in this sense that the liberal arts are liberal—as in liberare—to free. They empower you with the possibility of exercising agency, of discovering meaning, of making choices. The surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it. Don't settle. Be prepared to change routes. Remember the impossible expectations we have of you, and even as you recognize they are impossible, remember how important they are as a lodestar guiding you toward something that matters to you and to the world. The meaning of your life is for you to make.

  I can’t wait to see how you all turn out. Do come back,from time to time, and let us know.



  1)cold call: make a cold call原意指未经过预约,向从未谋面过的人打电话,可以是电话销售人员给目标客户打电话,可以是求职者主动给雇主打电话,也可以是突然造访某人家里。文中的do cold calls是指冷不防地向演讲者提出问题, “打冷枪、放冷箭”。cold call也可直接当动词用,如cold call someone。

  2)wean:原意指新生儿母亲给婴儿断奶,该词在文中表示的意思是“停止提供伙食”。常用的搭配用法是 wean someone off a habitat/something they like,表示逐渐使某人改掉原先的习惯,或者丧失对某件事物的热爱。

  3)Q & A: question and answer的缩写形式,即“提问与回答”形式的交流。

  4)savoir faire:能在合适的时机做恰当的事的能力和自信,可译作“处事灵活”。


  6)extracurricular engagement: “课外活动”,也可用 extracurricular activity 来表达。


  8)liberal arts:大学里的通识课程或者博雅教育课程,比如文学、历史、语言学、哲学,对学生在自己所学专业之外进行的博雅教育。

  9)lodestar:原意指可作参考指引的星星,尤其是北极星;此处比喻指引青年学生 不断奋斗前进的理想或目标。


  你们已经上了四年大学,而我当校长还不到一年;你们认识三任校长,而我却 只认识大四这一届学生。那我还有什么资格在这里谈经验呢?或许应该由你们上来展示你们的智慧,或许我们可以互换一下角色。这样我就可以像法学院学生那 样,在接下来的时间里“打冷枪”,突然提问了。

  我们似乎都在努力让这一刻早点到来,而且几乎是步调一致。尽管最近我才得知,从5月22日起学校就不给你们提供伙食了。我知道我们需要象征性地给你 们“断奶”,没想到后勤部门还真的给你们断了“奶”。

  现在让我们再说说那个 “打冷枪”吧!让我们把这个本科毕业典礼想象成是以 答疑的形式进行的。你们在问:“人生的意义何在,福校长?在哈佛的四年是为了 什么?福校长,从大学毕业到现在的40年里,您一定学到些可以教给我们的东西吧?”(四十年啊!那我就直说了吧!因为我人生的每个细节——当然包括我在布 林茅尔学院获得学位的那年——似乎众人皆知。但请记住,当时我在班上年纪算小的。)

  其实,比起回答你们的问题来,我更喜欢思考你们为什么会这样提问。如果戈 丁和凯兹教授所言不虚;如果从事金融业真的就是“理性选择”;那你们为什么还不停向我问问题?为什么这个看似理性的选择,却会让你们许多人无法理解,觉得不尽理性,甚至有的会觉得是被迫做出的必要选择?为什么这个问题会困扰你们这么多人呢?




  我想,你们忧虑还另有原因——与第一个原因相关,但又有所不同。你们想获 得幸福,因此,你们蜂拥去上《积极心理学》课程——“心1504”——和《幸福学》这 门课,想从中找到秘诀。但是,我们怎样才能获得幸福呢?我可以提供一个振奋人心的答案:那就是变老。调查数据显示,老年人——像我这样的年纪——觉得比年轻人要过得幸福。不过恐怕你们不想这样坐等罢了。


  但最最重要的是,你们问这个问题—不仅仅是在问我,也是在问你们自己。 你们在选择自己的人生道路,同时又在质疑自己的选择。你们知道自己想要什么样的生活,但却不确定选择的道路是否能让自己获得幸福。这样其实很好。而且 我希望这在某种程度上也是我们的错。你们要关注生活,思考生活,思考怎样才能幸福地生活,考虑如何才能有益于社会:恐怕这些就是文科教育可以给你们“装备” 的最有价值的东西。文科教育要求你们要活得明白。它让你探寻和定义自己行为背后的意义。它同时让你成为一个经常自我分析、自我批评的人。这样的人完全 能掌控自己的人生。正是在这个意义上,文科教育就像其字面意思那样,使你们自由。它赋予你发挥才干的能力,发现真理的能力,做出选择的能力。通往幸福最可 靠的途径就是全身心地为目标去奋斗,切勿安于现状,时刻准备着改变人生道路。牢记我们寄予你们的厚望,哪怕它看起来不现实,记住它就像北斗星一样重要,指引你朝着你和世界所期望的目标前进!人生的意义掌握在你们自己的手中。



  (1) 本文节选自德鲁?吉尔平?福斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust)于2008年6月3日 在哈佛大学2008届本科生毕业典礼上的讲话。福斯特是美国著名的历史学 家,是哈佛大学历史上首位女校长,也是自1672年以来首位非哈佛毕业的哈 佛校长。这是一篇精彩绝伦的演讲,极富文采、充满智慧、启迪人生,还不乏诙 谐幽默。文章许多地方都可圈可点。

  (2) 开头有一处省略,即I one senior class。在译文中补充省略的内容,关键在 于参照前句的内容。这里,省略的是前面已有的谓语know。因此,全句 意思为:“你们认识三任校长,而我却只认识大四这一届学生。”该段中的 do cold calls是个俗语,原意为“陌生电话,推销电话,即打给陌生人或不希 望被联络的人的一通电话或是拜访,常常是为了推销东西”。按照本文语境,这里应该是“突然提出问题”之意,形象点就是“打冷枪,放冷箭”。

  (3) 第二段最后一句是个翻译难点。我们知道wean原意指“给婴儿断奶”。 这里,第一个的wean是比喻意义上的“断奶”,即让学生步入社会,学会独 立生存;第二个的took it中“it”代指学校为毕业生提供的伙食。通过前一 句话我们知道,哈佛大学的后勤部门从5月22日开始就已停止为毕业生提供伙食。因此,整句可以译为我知道我们早晚得给你们‘断奶’,但绝没料到后勤部门还真就早早把你们的‘奶’给断了。”

  (4) 第四段的第一句,我们需要重新拆分句子,才能做到译文流畅,即“其实,比起回答你们的问题来,我更喜欢思考你们为什么会这样提问。”

  (5) 第五段中我们要能准确地译出几个描述哈佛学生特点的名词,即savoirfaire, imperturbability,pretense of invulnerability。它们可依次解释为: 自信、沉着、看似刀枪不入的伪装。因此,整句可这样处理:“让我们暂时扔掉哈佛人的自信、沉着和那看似刀枪不入的伪装”。

  (6) 第六段中 you are not sure how those two goals fit together 可以用汉语中 的“鱼与熊掌不能兼得”这个典故来处理,即“我觉得你们之所以忧虑,是因为你们梦想的不仅仅是平常意义上的成功,还有要活得有意义;而且你们不知道如何才能做到鱼和熊掌兼得。”

  (7) 在第八段中,我们将心理学课程代号Psych1504翻译成“心1504”,既照顾到了英汉文字表面的对应,也符合中文的表达习惯。

  (8) Go where you want to be and then circle back to where you have to be. 可以译为:“先到你想去的地方,然后迂回到你应该去的地方。”这句话不仅仅文字精彩,而且对当代大学毕业生的职业选择起到了很好的指导作用。

