


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-19


  1 绿色城市 A Green City

  Economic integration:经济一体化 municipality:大城市

  Greenfield development potential:发展绿地的潜力 aerospace:航空业

  the added cost burden:增加了沉重的负担 biomedical industry:生物医药业

  apparel industry:服装业 professional service:专业服务业

  information technology:信息技术 telecommunication:电房

  high value added business:高附加值的商务 urbanization:城市化

  digital media:数码传媒 realty tax:地税

  environmentally sustainable:环境可持续发展 academic:学者

  civil servant:公务员 city councillor:市政厅议员

  provincial/federal government:省、联邦政府 the Kyoto Accord:京都仪书

  carbon dioxide emission:二氧化碳的排放 fossil fuel:不可再生的燃料

  economic spin-offs:滚滚财源 alternative fuels:替代性燃料

  address each other’s priorities:按各自轻重缓急 Secretariat:秘书处

  server with a key position:担任要职

  2 浪漫香槟 The Romantic Champagne

  Champagne:香槟 sampling party:品酒会

  Cork:软木塞 the release of gas:释放气体

  Gentle,alluring fizz:温和,诱人的嘶嘶声 candlelit dinner:烛光晚餐

  Valentine’s Day:情人节 akin to:好似,同类,近似

  Do the trick:达到某地,获得成功 allure:诱惑力

  Painstaking:艰辛 alcohol:酒

  For weeks on end:连续数周 eponymous drink:同名汽酒

  Carbon dioxide bubble:二氧化碳小气泡 facet:方面

  Quicken the pulse:加快脉搏 ranked by “dosage”:按剂量分类

  Fermentation:发酵 extra-brut:偏酸型

  Vintage champagne:精致香槟酒 spicy food:辛辣的食物

  Go especially well with:特别适合做…

  3 游客之居 A Place to Stay

  Motel:汽车旅馆 lodging:公寓房间

  In any case:无论如何 inn:客栈

  Resor:度假胜地的宾馆 freeway:高速公路

  Single/twin/double bed:单人床/对床/双人床 queen size/king size bed:大号床/加阔床

  “long boy” bed:长小伙子床 waterbed:水床

  Rollaway bed:滚动式折叠床 hide-a-bed:暗床

  Camping:露营 campground:野营地

  Trailer:拖车 shelter:保护

  4 教堂之游 A Tour around the Cathedral

  Washington National Cathedral:华盛顿国家大教堂 Episcopal Church:主教派教会

  Cathedral Church of saint Peter and Saint Paul:圣彼得和保罗大教堂

  Pray:祈祷 in the presence of:在…前面

  Attend services:参加宗教礼仪活动 hectare:公顷

  Shaped like a cross:形状像个“十”字 bell tower:钟楼

  Windows set high in the walls:窗高高地嵌在…墙上

  Sunlight spilling across the floor:阳光洒落在地坪上

  Attend religious service:参加宗教活动,做礼拜 statue:雕像

  Funeral:葬礼 concert:音乐会

