


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-19


  1 新春联欢 Celebrating the Spring Festival

  全体同仁:all my colleagues of the company 嘉宾:distinguished guests

  明月当空:beautiful evening with numerous shining stars

  从百忙中拨冗光临:take the time off one’s busy schedule

  新春联欢晚会:Chinese New York’s party 远道而来:come here all the way from

  尽情品尝:have a good time enjoying 美酒佳肴:cuisine and wine

  才华横溢:talented 纯正:authentic

  无所拘束:in a more informal way

  万事如意:the very best of luck in everything

  2 圣诞晚会 At the Christmas Party

  董事长:Mr. Chairman 装饰华丽:magnificently decorated

  良辰佳时:wonderful time of the year 魅力:appeal

  融洽:harmony 奉献:dedication

  全年的亮点:a high point of the year 生活的真谛:key to life

  信念:faith 尽兴:enjoy every minute of the year

  销售额:sales 务实:pragmatic

  辉煌的业绩:more fruitful year 年终岁末之际:at the end of the year

  3 开幕祝词 An Opening Speech

  宣布…开幕:declare opening 论坛:forum

  市民社会:Civil Society 文化多样性:Cultural Pluralism

  筹委会:Organizing committee 开幕式:opening ceremony

  社区工作者协会:Community Social Workers’ Association

  社会各界来宾:guests from various circles 知识更新:update knowledge

  日新月异的信息:ever-changing information 多元化:pluralistic

  社保体制:social wealfare and security system 政府包揽:undertaken by the government

  民间组织:non-governmental organizations 宏观管理:macro-management

  借鉴先进经验:reference advanced experience 分工协作:division of responsibility

  取得丰硕成果:conclude with abundant accomplishment

  预祝…圆满成功:with a complete success.

  4 展望未来 Looking Ahead

  广泛领域:in a wide range of areas 亚欧伙伴关系:Asia-Europe partnership

  回忆主办国:the host of 亚欧首脑会议:Asia Europe summit

  成立10周年:the 10th anniversary of 循序渐进:make gradual progress

  人员交往:people-to-people exchange 战略选择:strategic platform

  谋划发展方向:plan one’s future cooperation 高瞻远瞩:adopt a long long-term strategy

  实质性合作:economic cooperation in substantive terms

  回顾过去:look back on the past experiences 展望未来:look into the future

  互相尊重:mutual respect 平等互利:equality and mutual benefit.

  求同存异:seek common ground while putting aside differences

  反对贸易歧视与制裁:eliminate trade discrimination,oppose imposition of trade sanctions

  司法:judicial 财政:finance

  后续活动:follow-up activities 降低关税:reduce one’s tariffs

  大力倡导多边合作:actively promoted multilateral cooperation

  描绘光辉远景:shape a more splendid future

