


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-19

  访谈口译 Interpreting Interviews

  1 行在美国 Travel in America

  由汽车驱动的国家:a country driven by automoblies 据说:it is said that

  夸张的说法:an exaggergation correct observation:正确的说法

  Way of life:生活方式 drive-in bank:免下车银行

  International driver’s license :国际驾车执照 行车限速:speed limit

  Federal expressway:州际高速公路 minimum/maximum speed:最大/最小限速

  出公差:visit on a business trip 租车服务业:car rental service

  付款方式:pay for my rental service credit card:信用卡

  MasterCard:万事达 Visa:威萨

  American Express:美国运通 deposit:押金

  Special offer:优惠价 passenger rail service:客运火车

  Greyhound:灰狗长途汽车公司 monthly pass:月票

  Long distance coach:长途汽车 regulate price:统一的票价

  Lower rates:更低的价格 不尽人意:be not desirable

  shuttle/commuter flight:穿梭班段/短程定期往返飞机 subway:地铁

  cab/cabby:出租车 Yellow Pages:黄页

  telephone directory:电话号码薄

  2 艾滋哀之 The AIDS Epodemic

  Nobel Prize winner:诺贝尔获得者 microbiology:微生物学家

  AIDS epidenmic:艾滋病流行 plague:瘟疫

  On an international acale:从国际范围 leading cause:致命病因

  HIV-positive:HIV阳性 imperil:威胁,危及

  Be infected with:感染 orphan:孤儿

  Significant impact:重大影响 put in place:推出

  homosexually transmitted disease:同性恋传播疾病 ultimate solution:最终解决方法

  massive educational campaign:大规模教育活动 self-defeating:自暴自弃

  the only thing conceivable:唯一行之有效的手段 调查结果:survey

  隔离:quarantine virus:病毒

  Totally futile:竹篮打水一场空 强制性化验:mandatory testing

  Better off doing sth.:最好做… interpret symptoms:了解症状

  Reveals its presence through:经由…而发病

  3 经营之道 Business Management

  Business communication style:商务沟通方式 work ethic:职业伦理

  Prospective business contact:与之打交道的商人 time-consuming:耗时冗长的


  keep to:遵循 bottom-up:自下而上

  top-management:最高管理 top-download:自上而下

  business practice:商务活动 咄咄逼人:aggressive

  straightforward:直截了当,开门见山 管理模式:type of management

  efficiency:效率 give priority to:优先

  frustrate:使…感到沮丧 fulfillment:成就感

  membership:一分子 individual-oriented:个体取向

  a sense of belonging in a community:团体归属感

  accomplishment:成果 利与弊:merits and demerits

  the Oriental way of management:东方经营方式 dedication:奉献

  humane:人情味 executive:管理人

  4 音乐天才 A Gifted Musician

  Debut album:处女专辑 忌讳:taboo

  Inquiry:提问 the press people:新闻记者

  献给…的音乐专辑:dedicate album to… vocalist:歌唱家

  Tremendous individual:非常优秀 melodic:曲子

  中心思想:common message the icing on the cake:锦上添花

  Creative avenue and outlet:创造途径和方法 play pool:打落袋球

  sort out one’s emotional distress:解决自身问题或走出伤感阴影

  enjoy catching up with one’s friend:喜欢和朋友泡在一起

  get around to:抽时间出来做 break up:散伙

  first gigs:初演 sing a cappellas:无伴奏演唱

  take criticism constructively:以积极性的态度看待批评


