


来源 :中华考试网 2016-11-05



  4. Now an increasing number of unmarried men are caring for their children, too. The Census Bureau says the number increased by more than 100% in the last twelve years.


  .↑unmrd + care child, Cnsus : nmb +100% 12y


  “.”表示“此时此刻,现在”,即now,还可以表示at present, up till now, currently

  “↑ unmrd +” 表示越来越多的未婚男性”,即 an increasing numbei* of urnnairied men “care child”表示“照顾孩子”,即 caring for their children

  “Cnsus”表不“人口调査局”,即 the Census Bureau

  “:”表示“说,讲”,即 say, ,,speak


  “+100%”表示“增加了 100%多”,即 increased by more than 100%

  “12y”表示“过去的 12 年”,即 the last twelve years


  现在做父亲的未婚男子的数目也在增加。人口调查局说,近12年来这类人数增加 100%以上。

  5. Today 14% of all single-parent families in America are now headed by men. Most of the men began caring for their children after their marriage ended in divorce.


  d 14% sgl-prnt fam Us by +,mst care child aft mrg end dvc




  “sgl-prnt fam”表示“单亲家庭”,即 single-parent families


  “by +”表示“由男人当家”,即be headed by men

  “aft mrg end dvc”表示“婚姻破裂后或者离婚后”,即 after their marriage ended in divorce



  6. But almost 25% of single fathers have never been married.


  ~~(长波浪线表示转折)25% sgl fath nvr mrd


  “~~”表示转折,让步,即 but,还可以表示 however,nevertheless, although

  “sgl fath”表示“单身父亲”,即 single fathers

  “nvr mrd”表示“从来没有结过婚”,即never married



