


来源 :中华考试网 2016-04-28

  Higher income bracket: 高额收入等级

  Hot money: 短期流动资金,游资

  Import formalities: 进口手续

  Inactive: 滞销的

  Income tax evasion: 偷漏所得税

  Interest spread: 利息差额

  Invitation of foreign capital: 引进外资

  Invitation to bid: 招标

  Kickback: 回扣

  Loan shark: 放高利贷者

  Lombard street: 伦敦金融中心

  Lull: 暂时呆滞时期 an economic lull, lull in business

  Narrow margin of profit 微利

  Merchant prince: 豪商,巨贾

  Minimum taxable income

  Make a mint 赚了一大笔钱

  Monetary easing 银根放松

  Monetary stringency 银根收缩

  Nominal fee: 象征性收费

  Off season: 淡季

  Rally: 跌停回升 The market staged a modest rally.

  Remuneration: 丰厚的酬金

  Small profits and quick returns: 薄利多销

  Seed capital: 原始资本

  Retaliatory tariff: 报复性关税

  Tax threshold: 起税限度

  Trade-in: 以旧物折价抵冲部分货价

  Triple-A: 财务信誉最高级别

  Unemployed capital: 游资

  Uptick: 上涨,上升

  Windfall: 一笔横财

