


来源 :中华考试网 2019-08-02

  Greetings to Tourists in a National Park

  Well, good morning everybody. My name’s Matt and I’m one of the three guides here at the National Park. Our job is to make sure that you all have a great time here with us and go home feeling happy and relaxed. 大家早上好,我叫Matt,是这个国家公园的三个导游之一。我们的工作就是让大家在这里玩的高兴,带着轻松愉快的心情回家。

  To encourage you to relax, there are no radios or TVs and the only phones and newspapers are in the office. So, if peace and quiet is what you’ve come for, this is the place to be. 为了让大家真正放松,我们这里没有收音机和电视、电话、报纸只有办公室才有,所以,如果大家是来寻求安静的话,你们算来对地方了。

  Your luggage will be downloaded from the bus and take to your rooms in a few minutes. Once you have picked up your key at reception, please locate your room and check that all your luggage has arrived. 一会儿有人会把大家的行李抬下车送到房间去。大家在前台拿到钥匙后,请找到各自的房间,看看行李是否送到了房间。

  You’ve chosen to visit us in January, which is one of our hotter months, and although you may be tempted to wear a minimum of clothing, you should always take precautions against injury. This includes sensible footwear. You’d be surprised how many of our guests ignore this advice and end up being sorry. And socks are a good idea too. And, even though you might be under trees a lot of the times, it’s a good idea to wear a hat in this hot climate. 大家来的时间十一月份,是一年中比较热的时间,可能想少穿点衣服,但是一定要小心别受伤,记得穿上舒服点的鞋。有很多客人没听我的话,结果就吃了亏。记得穿袜子。还有,虽然这里有树荫很凉快,不过天气热,戴顶帽子准错不了。

  Well, that’s about all for now. if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at any time. 好了,差不多就这些了,大家还有什么问题的话可以随时来问我。

