来源 :中华考试网 2019-07-25
中1. 香港是购物者的天堂。在这里您可以发现最新的时尚潮流,尖端的电子产品和华丽的珠宝首饰。
Hong Kong is the paradise for shoppers where you can find the newest fashion, the top electronics and luxurious jewelry.
2. 一家普通超市经营数千种可食用的商品,包括肉、鱼、新鲜水果和蔬菜、乳制品、饮料、罐头食品、烘烤食品、熟食及冷冻产品等。
An average supermarket sells thousands of edible products including meat, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, drinks, canned products/groceries, baked, cooked and frozen products, etc.
3. 现在很多的购物中心都是青少年为主要消费对象,配备了多功能的娱乐中心和昂贵的体育服饰商店。Cater to sb
The objected consumers of many shopping centers are teenagers and they are equipped with multi-functional entertainment center and fancy sportswear shops.
4. 九寨沟国家公园是欣赏自然景观的好地方。
Jiuzhai Valley National Park is a good place to enjoy/appreciate natural scenery.
5. 被列为联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录。
To be put on the World Culture Heritage List by UNESCO.
6. 中国56个民族的不同风俗和文化是中国的宝贵财富,是世界的宝贵财富,也是中国最重要的旅游资源。
Different customs and cultures of China’s 56 ethnic groups are national and world treasure, making up the most important tourist resources in China.
7. 这条美食街集餐饮、购物、和娱乐为一体,游客可以在此体验异国情调,品尝他乡风味,购买旅游纪念品,参加各种娱乐活动。
The gourmet street encompasses services for catering, shopping and entertainment. Tourists can experience foreign atmosphere, taste foreign food, buy tourist souvenirs and participate in a variety of recreational activities/amusements.
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