


来源 :中华考试网 2019-01-26


  1. 我想去了解一下去桂林的旅游行程。

  I would like to know the itinerary to Guilin.

  2. 请问旅行社提供接机服务吗?

  Does the travel agency provide pick-up service?

  3. 我们一日游的报价包括了吃饭的费用

  The price/offer of one-day tour includes eating.

  4. 这是到海南双飞五日游的价格,住宿的酒店都是四星级的。

  The five-day tour price includes round trip air tickets to Hainan and four-star hotel accommodation.

  5. 请仔细阅读这份旅游合同,如无异议请在下面签字。

  Please read the travel contract carefully. If there are no problems, please sign your name at the bottom.

  6. 我们明天早上八点出发,记得带上护照。

  We will set off at eight o’clock in the morning; please don’t forget your passport.

  7. 一直往前走,你就可以看到旅游服务中心了。

  Walk straight forward and you can see the travel service center.

  8. 福建的乌龙茶很出名,到这里旅游一定要品尝一下。

  The Onlong tea in Fujian Province is very famous, something you cannot miss.

  9. 这家饭馆是经旅游部门批准经营的,不存在乱收费现象。

  The restaurant is approved by travel authority; there are no arbitrary charges.

  10. 这家礼品店的东西物美价廉,买几件回去做纪念品吧。

  The items/goods in the gift shop are good in quality and price. Why not buy some as souvenirs?

  11. 外出迷路的话,请拨打当地旅游服务热线寻求帮助。

  If you get lost, please call the local tourist service hotline for help.

  12. 我们有大巴到湖区,每小时一班。

  There is a coach/bus to the Lake District each hour.

  13. 贵重物品请随身携带。Belongings

  Please take your valuables with you.

  14. 今晚我们先到酒店入住,第二天早上坐大巴出发。

  We will check in the hotel tonight and leave by bus tomorrow morning.

  15. 这次参观博物馆有导游带领,有任何问题请与他联系。

  This is a guided museum tour; please contact the guide if you have any questions.

  16. 退房时请交房卡给前台,并保留收据。

  When you check out, please return the room card to the reception desk and keep receipt.

  17. 展览馆专门开辟了动手操作区,让游客与这些展品亲密接触。

  There is a special Hands-on area in the exhibition hall to offer direct experiences for the tourists.

  18. 请听从导游的指示,注意安全。

  Please follow the instruction of the guide and be careful.

  19. 游客中心24小时受理游客的投诉。

  The tourist center handles complaints 24 hours a day.

  20. 请大家在景区玩的愉快。

  I wish you a good time in the scenic zone.

