


来源 :中华考试网 2022-04-22

  Organized by the China's National Climate Center (NCC), academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, members of the National Climate Change Expert Committee, and other well-known experts selected the 10 events.

  中国气象局气候变化中心在组织专家初步遴选的基础上,邀请中国科学院和中国工程院两院院士、国家气候变化专家委员会委员、国内气候变化领域知 名专家,对候选事件进行了评选。

  最终评选出的“2021年度气候变化十 大科学事件”(top 10 scientific events related to climate change in 2021)包括:

  1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the report "Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis," pointing out unprecedented1 changes in the climate

  1.联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会发布AR6 WGI评估报告《气候变化2021:自然科学基础》,指出许多观测到的变化前所未有


  According to the report, many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and some of the changes already set in motion — such as continued sea level rise — are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years.


  2. The Glasgow Climate Pact2 was adopted, emphasizing the importance of science for effective climate action


  The document takes "science and urgency" as its first section, emphasizing the importance of the best available science for effective climate action and policymaking.

  《格拉斯哥气候协议》将科学作为第一部分,指出现有最 佳科学对有效气候行动和政策制定的重要性,从科学的角度强调了应对气候变化的紧迫性。

  3. Climate scientists awarded 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics

  3. 气候学家获2021年诺贝尔物理学奖

  The 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to American Japanese meteorologist Syukuro Manabe, German scientist Klaus Wassermann, and Italian theoretical physicist3 Giorgio Parisi.


  大气与海洋科学(atmospheric and oceanic Science)领域首获物理学奖(Nobel Prize for Physics),必将进一步引起国际社会对全球变暖(global warming)问题的关注。

  4. The WHO launched a special report on climate change and health, prioritizing climate actions with the largest health gains


  报告强调前所未有的极端天气事件(extreme weather events)和其他气候变化事件(events related to climate change)正对人类生命和健康造成越来越大的损害,各国必须大力作出应对气候变化的承诺,在新冠肺炎疫情后实现有益健康的绿色复苏(green recovery)。

  5. The Chinese government worked with the sci-tech community to achieve carbon peak and neutrality targets, issuing important reports on climate change


  6. Climate change has increased extreme weather events; record-shattering heat waves will become far more likely; and tropical cyclones4 may occur over a wider range of latitudes5


  7. Major Atlantic Ocean current system may be approaching critical threshold


  A study conducted as part of the European TiPES project, coordinated6 by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany, suggested that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) may have been losing stability in the course of the last century.


  The AMOC transports warm water from the tropics northward7 at the ocean surface and cold water southward at the ocean floor, which is particularly relevant for the relatively8 mild temperatures in Europe.


  It has previously9 been shown that the AMOC is currently at its weakest in more than 1,000 years.


  Influence of the AMOC on weather systems worldwide means that a potential collapse10 of the ocean current system could have severe consequences.


  8. China established greenhouse gas observation network


  Among the elements under observation are seven types of greenhouse gases specified11 in the Kyoto Protocol12, including carbon dioxide, methane14 and nitrous oxide13.

  其观测要素涵盖《京都议定书》中规定的CO2、CH4、N2O等 7类温室气体。

  9. Delivering on long-term net zero emission15 targets would result in a temperature increase of about 1.8 degrees Celsius16 by the end of the century

  9.各国最 新气候承诺将使21世纪末全球温升降低到1.8℃

  Last December, the European Commission's Joint17 Research Centre published a report titled "Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO) 2021: Advancing Towards Climate Neutrality." The document takes stock of recent updates to national climate targets taking into account nationally determined18 contributions (NDCs) and national long-term net zero strategies (LTS).


  Delivering on long-term net zero emission targets would result in a temperature increase of around 1.8 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. However, strong policy action is needed, as the report states that current policies may lead to a temperature increase of more than 3 degrees Celsius. In the NDC-LTS pathway, emissions19 would peak around 2023 and then stabilize20 by mid-century, while current policies are only sufficient to stabilize global emissions by 2035-2040, according to the GECO 2021.

  报告指出,目前的政策背景下到2100年全球温升幅度会超过3 ℃,而实现长期净零排放目标则可使到2100年全球温升幅度降低至1.8℃。在当前的政策背景下,全球温室气体排放量将到2040年左右达到峰值,而在长期净零排放路径下,全球温室气体排放量将在2023年左右达到峰值,并在21世纪中叶稳定下来。

  10. Global fossil CO2 emissions rebounded21 close to pre-COVID-19 levels


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