


来源 :中华考试网 2021-06-04

  1. 民生 livelihood

  2. 民生领域livelihood-related areas

  3. 贫富差距 the wealth gap

  4. 让改革发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民 enable the entire people to enjoy more benefits of reform in a more equal manner

  5. 脱贫 be lifted out of poverty

  6. 脱贫致富 out of poverty and toward prosperity

  7. 减贫eradicate poverty 

  8. 消除绝 对贫困 eliminate absolute poverty

  9. 满足人民就业、居住、温饱、医疗和教育“五大”基本权利 to secure people’s fundamental rights to food, to shelter, to work, to school and to hospital

  10. 中等收入群体 middle-income groups

  11. 全面脱贫 comprehensive poverty eradication

  12. 教育、社保、医疗和基层民主体系 education, social security, medical care and community-level democratic systems

  13. 养老、医疗、低保、住房 old-age pension, health care, basic allowances and housing

  14. 红利 dividend 

  15. 可支配收入 disposable income

  16. 居民预期寿命 average life expectancy

  17. 房地产限制 property curbs 

  18. 小康社会 a moderately prosperous society in all respects

  19. 养老服务、托幼服务 aged and child care

  20. “两孩”政策 the two-child policy

  21. 婴儿死亡率 the infant mortality rate

  22. 居住条件 housing conditions

  23. 公租房 public rental housing units

  24. 公租房租赁补贴 public rental subsidies

  25. 贫困怪圈 the cycle of poverty

  26. 贫民窟 slum 

  27. 棚户区居民 shack-dwellers/slum-dwellers

  28. “出棚进楼” move from sub-standard accommodation to new apartments

  29. 最弱势群体 the most vulnerable

  30. 最广大人民 the overwhelming majority of the people

  31. 卫生设施 sanitation facilities 

  32. 获得感 a strong sense of gain

  33. 人均住房面积 the per capita floor space

  34. 人均消费支出 per capita consumer spending

  35. 社会救助 social assistance

  36. 医疗救助 medical assistance

  37. 住房救助、教育救助、就业救助以及临时救助 housing assistance, education assistance, employment assistance, and temporary assistance

  38. 最低生活保障subsistence allowances

  39. 特困人员 people in extreme difficulty

  40. 灾害救助 disaster relief

  41. 流离失所者 displaced persons

  42. 难民 refugees 

  43. 长期护理保险制度试点trials for long-term care insurance

  44. 婴幼儿照护Infant and child care

  45. 托育服务 childcare and early childhood education agency

  46. 商品住宅去库存reduce commercial residential housing inventory

  47. 城市三无人员 urban residents without income, the ability to work, or support by family

  48. 农村五保人员 rural people eligible for the "Five Guarantees": those who are unable to work and have no source of income, including the elderly, the disabled and minors who have no legal guardians to support them.

  49. 低保人员/低保对象 people living on subsistence allowances

  50. 温饱型社会 a society based on subsistence

  51. 恩格尔系数 the Engel coefficient 

  52. 户籍制度 the household registration system

  53. 户口迁徙 the transfer of household registration (hukou)

  54. 落户 complete household registration

  55. 就业优先战略 a jobs-first strategy

  56. 充分就业 maximum/full employment

  57. 城镇登记失业率 the registered urban unemployment rate

  58. 城镇调查失业率 the surveyed unemployment rate

  59. 三四线城市third- and fourth-tier cities

  60. 无户籍农村留守儿童 unregistered left-at-home rural children

  61. 蛋白质 protein

  62. 营养不良malnutrition






