


来源 :中华考试网 2021-05-27

  1. 预约进站 reservation at subway stations

  2. 全面恢复生产生活秩序comprehensively restore the order of production and life

  3. 差异化精准防控策略precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies

  4. 定点医院 designated hospitals

  5. 临时医院 makeshift hospitals

  6. 不漏一户、不漏一人 leave no household, no one behind

  7. 增强收治能力 raise the hospital admission capacity

  8. 提高救治水平 improve treatment for patients

  9. 封锁 under lockdown

  10. 远程办公 work from home/telecommute

  11. 居家隔离 home quarantine

  12. 公共卫生 public health

  13. 健康申报declaration of health information

  14. 健康码a health QR code

  15. 数字化健康证明digital health certificates

  16. 中、低风险地区 medium- and low-risk areas

  17. 持绿码人员green code holders

  18. 高风险地区high-risk areas

  19. 复工复产 resumption of work and production

  20. 居民消费价格指数 consumer price index (CPI)

  21. 经济社会发展目标任务the goals and tasks for economic and social development

  22. 人均可支配收入per capita disposable income

  23. 实现今年经济社会发展目标 achieve this year's targets for economic and social development

  24. 新时代最可爱的人 the most admirable people in the new era

  25. 战胜疫情的中坚力量the backbone force in defeating the epidemic

  26. 候餐区the waiting area

  27. 取餐区the serving area

  28. 结账区the cashier desk

  29. 公筷公勺serving chopsticks and spoons

  30. 分餐制serving of individual dishes

  31. 一客一用一消毒disinfection after each serving

  32. 厨余垃圾 kitchen wastes

  33. 垃圾分类 garbage sorting

  34. 外卖服务 takeout service

  35. 中韩应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控合作机制 China-ROK cooperation mechanism on joint prevention and control of COVID-19

  36. 抗疫国际合作international cooperation on fighting the COVID-19 outbreak

  37. 体温监测temperature checks

  38. 医学巡查medical inspections

  39. 医学排查medical screening

  40. 流行病学调查epidemiological investigations

  41. 隐瞒疫情hide epidemic information

  42. 传染病检疫及监测 quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases

  43. 病毒携带者 virus carriers

  44. 行走的传染源a mobile source of infection

  45. 传染途径 routes of transmission

  46. 群体免疫herd immunity

  47. 疫情防控国际合作 international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control

  48. 出入境防疫 epidemic prevention at borders

  49. 防范疫情跨境传播curb the cross-border spread of the epidemic

  50. 暂缓或减少留学人员等双向流动postpone or reduce the two-way flow of overseas students

  51. 人工林manmade forests

  52. 天然林natural forests

  53. 互联网+全民义务植树internet plus public voluntary tree planting

  54. 草原生态保护修复grassland ecological protection and restoration

  55. 湿地保护修复wetland protection and restoration

  56. 防沙治沙desertification control

  57. 全民植树节National Tree Planting Day/Arbor Day

  58. 森林覆盖率the forest coverage rate

  59. 森林蓄积 forest stock

  60. 重点公益林 key non-commercial forests

  61. 荒漠化防治 prevention and control of desertification

  62. 退耕还林还草 turn marginal farmland to forests and grasslands

  63. 生态补偿机制 mechanism for ecological compensation

  64. 耕地流失 loss of arable lands

  65. 医疗废物处置能力 medical waste disposal capacity

  66. 废物处理中心the waste disposal center

  67. 污水处理sewage disposal

  68. 有害废物hazardous wastes

  69. 社会救助兜底脱贫 strengthen social assistance to fight against poverty

  70. 现行标准下的农村贫困人口全部脱贫lift all rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty

  71. 贫困发生率 the poverty headcount ratio






