来源 :中华考试网 2020-08-22
中1. 农林牧渔业 farming, forestry, livestock and fishing
2. “三农” agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents
3. 农业建设agricultural development
4. 生态农业eco-agriculture
5. 农村土地“三权分置” separating rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights
6. 确权面积 contracted rural land
7. 重要农产品收储制度 system for purchasing and stockpiling important agricultural products
8. 主体功能区制度 the functional zoning system
9. 生态文明绩效考评和责任追究制度 performance evaluation and accountability systems for ecological conservation
10. 粮食生产功能区functional zone for grain production
11. 重要农产品生产保护区major agricultural product protection area
12. 特色农产品优势区area for growing quality and distinctively local agricultural products
13. 现代农业产业园modern agriculture industrial park
14. 中低产田low- and medium-yield cropland
15. 高效节水灌溉highly water-efficient irrigation
16. 集体林权 collective forest tenure
17. 国有林区林场state forestry area and farm
18. 高标准农田high-standard cropland
19. 非洲猪瘟African swine fever
20. 家庭农场family farm
21. 承包地 contracted land
22. 农村土地制度 the rural land system
23. 家庭联产承包责任制 the household responsibility system / the household contract responsibility system
24. 农民合作社 farmer cooperative
25. 农民生产积极性 farmers' enthusiasm
26. 大规模经营 large-scale agricultural operation
27. 一二三产业融合发展integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries
28. 自耕农 land-tilling peasants
29. 农民工 rural migrant workers
30. 粮食生产 grain production
31. 宅基地所有权、资格权、使用权 ownership rights, qualification rights, and use rights for rural land designated for housing
32. 耕地占补 offsetting cultivated land used for other purposes
33. 农村人居环境 rural living environment
34. 农产品 agricultural produce
35. 特色农产品 specialty agro-products
36. 农副产品 agricultural by-products
37. 优质农产品 quality agricultural produce
38. 食用农产品 edible agricultural product
39. 粮食总产量 food grain output
40. 经济作物 cash crop
41. 谷物、肉类、花生、茶叶 grain, meat, peanuts and tea
42. 水稻 rice
43. 小麦 wheat
44. 棉花 cotton
45. 油菜籽 rapeseed
46. 甘蔗 sugarcane
47. 椰枣 date palms
48. 青稞 highland barley
49. 耕地 the arable land
50. 耕地保护制度 the farmland protection system
51. 粗放耕作 extensive farming methods
52. 刀耕火种 slash-and-burn farming
53. 无土栽培 soilless culture
54. 水渠 water channels
55. 肥料 fertilizer
56. 余粮 surplus grain
57. 粮食总产量 total grain yield
58. 粮食单产 grain yield per unit area
59. 农林牧渔业 agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries
60. 优质粮油生产 high-quality grain and oil production
61. 无公害蔬菜 pollution-free vegetables
62. 奶牛养殖 dairy cattle farming