


来源 :中华考试网 2020-08-08

  1. 精神文化生活intellectual and cultural life

  2. 社会主义核心价值观core socialist values

  3. 世界遗产地 world heritage sites

  4. 非物质文化遗产传承the preservation of intangible cultural heritage

  5. 非物质文化遗产名录 Intangible Cultural Heritage List

  6. 文化遗产、文物古迹 cultural heritage and relics

  7. 文物保护利用protection and use of cultural relics

  8. 文物和艺术展 relic and art exhibitions

  9. 中国国家文物局The State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China

  10. 中国社会科学院the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  11. 中国社科院美国研究所 the Institute of American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  12. 文化事业 cultural program

  13. 文化产业 cultural industry

  14. 基层公共文化服务能力 public cultural service capacity at the community level

  15. 文化惠民工程 cultural projects designed to benefit the people

  16. 2020年奥运会、残奥会 the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games

  17. 获得第24届冬奥会举办权win the bid to host the

  24th Winter Olympic Games

  18. 中华优秀传统文化 fine traditional Chinese culture

  19. 社会主义先进文化advanced socialist culture

  20. 思想道德intellectual and moral standards

  21. 新型智库new-type think-tank

  22. 中国梦 the Chinese Dream

  23. 极端思潮extremist ideas

  24. 富有创造力的民族creative nations

  25. 拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化With a long history and a splendid culture

  26. 悠久历史 the time-honored history

  27. 博大精深 profound and deep

  28. 源远流长 go a long way back

  29. 发源地 birthplace

  30. 摇篮 the cradle of

  31. 基石 cornerstone

  32. 里程碑 milestone

  33. 创造力、凝聚力 creativity and rallying power

  34. 文明互鉴 mutual learning between civilizations

  35. 求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences

  36. 取长补短 draw upon each other's strengths / complement and draw strengths from each other

  37. 同心同向、守望相助 extend sympathy to and help each other

  38. 正确义利观 the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests

  39. 实践先行 champion result-oriented actions

  40. 文明冲突 clash of civilizations

  41. 仇外心理 xenophobia

  42. 换位思考 put oneself in others' positions

  43. 畅所欲言 engage in full exchanges of views

  44. 标本兼治 address both its symptoms and root causes

  45. 开放如同破茧成蝶 opening up is like the struggle of a chrysalis breaking free from its cocoon

  46. 东西方文明的杰出代表 stellar examples of Eastern and Western civilizations

  47. 将古老和现代、经典和创新相结合 blend together the ancient and the modern, the classic and the novel

  48. 文学艺术巨匠 great names in art and literature49. “中国热”“China fever”

  50. 文明多样性 the diversity of civilizations

  51. 共同发展、共同繁荣 common development and shared prosperity

  52. 成果丰硕 yield fruitful results

  53. 相辅相成/相互促进/相得益彰 mutually reinforce

  54. 陆地面积 land territory

  55. 本民族语言文字 one’s own ethnic language






