


来源 :中华考试网 2018-06-23


  他参加了100米赛跑 He took part in/participated in/entered the 100meter race/dash/sprint.

  他跑长跑/越野赛/环城赛/马拉松赛 He ran a long-distance race /a cross-country race /a round-the –city race/(the) Marathon race.

  第四跑道上的36号运动员领先/遥遥领先。No.36 in Lane is in the lead/holds a safe lead

  12号在最后一圈追了上来。No.12 is catching up in the last lap.

  12号超过了36号。No.12 has overtaken No.36.

  他报名参加了接力赛/200米跨栏 He entered for the relay race/the 200m hurdle race.

  起跑线 the starting line

  各就各位!/预备!/跑!On your marks!/Get set!/Go!

  他抢跑了He jumped the gun.

  谁第一个越过终点线?Who first crossed the finish line?

  谁第一个到达终点(碰到终点带)Who was the first to breast the (finishing ) tape?

  谁第一/二名?Who came in first/second?

  清晨慢跑增进了他的健康Jogging early in the morning has improved his health.

  一个漂亮的传中/角球/头球!a beautiful centre/corner-kick/header!

  给前锋一个妙传What a clever pass to the forward!

  进球了!/多棒的进球啊!A goal!/ What a goal!

  该球星上演了一场帽子戏法。 The football star played a hat trick.

  一个乌龙球。An own goal.

  假摔 stimulate; dive ;fake a foul

  9号一记远射,可惜未进球门No.9 gave a long shot ,but missed the goal.

  “射门!射门!”观众喊叫着。“Shoot! Shoot!” the spectators shouted.

  裁判刚罚了我队,所以我们的球员正筑起一堵人墙以应付发球。The referee has just given our team a penalty, so out players are building a wall for the penalty shot,

  点球 penalty kick

  裁判正在吹哨叫犯规 The referee is whistling for a foul,

  界外球/越位 Outside!/Offside!

  我队进入前16名/前8名/半决赛/决赛Our team entered the last 16/the quarter final/the semi-final/the final.

  篮球/篮球场/投篮 basketball/basketball court /shoot

  该谁发球?/他发球发得好 Whose servserve is it?/He serves well.

  自由泳/蛙泳/蝶泳/仰泳 freestyle/breaststroke/ butterfly(stroke) /backstroke

  跳水/跳板跳水/跳台跳水 diving/springboard diving/platform diving

  黑哨 bad call (中式英语为black whistle)

