


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-20


  转变政府管理职能 transform the functions of government

  转播 relay-broadcasting or TV stations broadcast programs from other stations

  壮大县城经济 expand intra-county econmies

  撞线 breast the tape

  壮大县域经济 expand intra-county economies

  转基因玉米 genetically modified organism (GMO) corn

  专利许可 patent grant

  专项资金 special funds

  转移支付制度 the transfer payment system

  主板市场 main board market

  注册记者 registered journalists (A total of 9154 registered journalists have checked in to cover the Olympics by midday Tuesday. 截至 29 日 12 时,北京奥运会注册记者报到人数为 9154 人。)

  主场 home court (Wang Yi, the mainland's Taiwan affairs chief, said Chinese Taipei athletes participating in the Olympics should treat Beijing as home court and their mainland compatriots would be cheering for them. 国务院台办主任王毅说,台湾选手完全可以把北京当作自己的主场,大陆同胞一定会为他们加油助威。)

  住房交易税费 housing transaction taxes and fees (An executive meet ing of the State Council chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao on October 17 called for scaling up the construction of affordable houses and lowering housing transaction taxes and fees so that more people could buy homes. The meeting also analyzed the current economic situation and arranged the economic work in the 4th quarter.国务院总理温家宝 17 日主持召开国务院常务会议,分析当前经济形势,安排部署四季度经济工作。会议要求,加大保障性住房建设规模,降低住房交易税费,支持居民购房。)

  追潮族 fashion follower

  追车族 auto fan

  追赶型和跨越式发展 pursuant and leap-forward development

  追究责任 call to account; ascertain where the responsibility lies

  坠落的残骸、碎片 falling debris

  追平 score the equalizer

  追星族 star fan; groupie

  追求进步 pursue progress

  主流出版物 mainstream publications

  主 谋 mastermind (Afghan officials blamed Pakistan for masterminding the deadly bombing outside the Indian Embasy, saying the attack had the hallmarks of a Pakistani intelligence agency. 阿富汗官员指责巴基斯坦是印度大使馆爆炸事件的幕后主谋,并称这次攻击事件具有该国情报机构的特征。)

