


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-17


  循环经济和清洁生产 recycling industries and clean production

  循环赛 round robin >

  巡回报告 touring report

  巡回大使 roving ambassador

  巡回医疗 medical tour

  巡回展览 exhibition tour

  巡回招聘 milk round

  汛期 flood season

  熏青鱼,转移注意力的话,证券说明书,证券销售书 a red herring

  徇私枉法 bend the law for personal gain

  徇私舞弊 bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud

  循序渐进 step by step

  巡诊 travel around and give medical treatment

  虚拟现实 virtual reality

  亚非会议 the Asian-African Conference

  压价 force down the price

  亚健康 subhealthy

  亚 军 runner-up (Shandong Luneng claimed the Chinese Super League tit le Sunday with Shanghai Shenhua as the runner-up after the 2 teams completed their last round matches with ties. 30 日,在中超联赛最后一轮比赛中,山东鲁能与上海申花分别打平对手,最终山东鲁能问鼎中超冠军,上海申花夺得亚军。)

  鸦片战争 Opium War

  压平物价政策 roll-back policy

  压水花技术 rip entry

  压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar new year gift

  压缩开支 put down expenses; retrench

