


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-17


  学历教育 education with record of formal schooling

  学历造假 fabricate academic credentials (The resumes of about 100 Chinese "elites" have been revised on Hudong Wiki, a pilot Chinese-language encyclopedia website, after the former president of Microsoft China, Tang Jun, was accused of fabricat ing his academic credentials. 前微软中国区总裁唐骏被揭露学历造假之后,互动百科网站上约一百名中国“精英”的简历被修改。)

  学前教育 preschool education

  学生处 students' affairs division

  学生减负 alleviate the burden on students

  学时 credit hours

  学术报告 academic report

  学术讲座 academic forum

  学术评价体系 academic appraisal system (Shao Hong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body, also called for the establishment of an academic appraisal system with less emphasis on quantity of academic papers and awards.全国政协委员邵鸿还建议建立一个不过分注重学术论文和获奖数量的学术评价体系。)

  学 术 造 假 academic cheating (Nearly half of the science-related workers in China's research institutes, universities, medical institutes and hospitals think academic cheating is "common," a survey by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) showed. 中国科学技术协会(CAST)开展的一项调查显示,在中国,包括研究机构、高校、医学研究机构和医院的工作人员在内的近半数科研工作者认为学术造假“非常普遍”。)

  学位制 academic degree system

  学年 academic year

  学生处 students ’ affairs office

  学生月票 student monthly ticket

  学 术 超 男 superman-scholar (This tag refers to people who have great knowledge and share it with others through TV shows or the Internet. Professor Yi Zhongtian is a good example of a superman-scholar. In the West, such people are known as "public intellectuals", or "pundits".)(来源:21 世纪英文报第 753 期 中山大学陈萌整理)

  学杂费 school sundry fees (School sundry fees for primary and middle school students in urban areas will be waived starting from today, when the fall semester begins, according to a resolution by the State Council. 据国务院决议 ,从 2008 年秋季学期开始,即今日起,在全国范围内全部免除城市义务教育阶段学生学杂费。)

  虚假帐务 deceptive accounting

  巡堤查险 inspect the dykes and look for hidden danger

  寻根文学 literature about searching for one's roots

  巡航导弹 cruise missile

  寻呼台 paging centers

  寻呼小姐 operators who work with paging centers

