


来源 :中华考试网 2018-02-23

  应用科学 applied science

  盈余调节 surplus reconcilement

  盈余资金 surplus fund

  影子内阁 shadow cabinet

  应急避难场所 emergency shelter

  应 急 市 场 emergency market (26 emergency markets will be set up in the worst-hit quake affected regions, such as Deyang and Mianyang, the Sichuan provincial market watchdog said Saturday. 四川省工商局 24 日表示,德阳、绵阳等重灾区将建立 26 个生活必需品应急市场。)

  应急预案 contingency plan

  因公出境 outbound tour on public duty

  荧光灯 fluorescent bulb

  一年期存款利率 benchmark one-year deposit rate

  一年期贷款利率 one-year lending rate

  饮水机 water dispenser (Local authorities are conducting inspections of water dispensers used in offices and other public places in response to media reports that many such machines have serious quality problems. 在媒体报道了许多饮水机有严重的质量问题之后,当地政府做出反应 ,对办公室和其他公共场所的饮水机进行检查。)

  营销 marketing

  营销管理 marketing management

  迎新联欢会 welcome party; party to welcome the newcomers.

  硬行推销 high-pressure selling; hard selling; hard-sale promotion

  英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.

  营养不良 malnutrition

  营业额 turnover; volume of business

  营业税 turnover tax; business tax

  营业厅 business lobby

  营业外收入 non-business income

  营业外支出 non-business expenditure

  营业许可证 business permits; charter

  营业种类 lines of business

  营业资金流动 operation cash flow

  应用程序 applicat ion program

