


来源 :中华考试网 2018-01-30

  首创精神 pioneering spirit

  首次公开发行的股票 initial public offering (IPO)

  首次上市(股票) IPO (Init ial Public Offering)

  首次载人航天飞行 first manned spaceflight

  首发阵容(足球) first team

  收购兼并 merger and acquisit ion

  首航 maiden voyage (of an aircraft or ship)

  售后服务 after-sale services

  售后服务站 after-sale service station

  手机报 SMS news (About 75 percent of newspapers have launched online papers and 55 percent of them are providing SMS news, the report says. 有报道称,大约有 75%的报纸已经设立了网络版,其中 55%向用户提供手机报。)

  手机充值 cellular phone replenishing

  手机入网费 initiat ion charges for mobile phone; mobile access fee

  手机综合症 mobile phone disease

  首脑会议 summit conference

  收拍 put away the racquets; conclude (a sports competition in badminton, Ping-Pong, tennis, etc. )

  收盘价 closing price

  首期按揭 down-payment

  首日封 first day cover

  收容遣送工作 handling of indigent migrants

  瘦肉精(盐酸克伦特罗) clenobuterol hydrochloride

  收入差距 income gap

  收入分配调节 regulat ion of income distribution

  收视率 viewing rate

  寿司 sushi, a Japanese dish of rolls of cold rice flavoured and garnished

