


来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-07


  1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):

  ①b________(n. a book that tells what has happened in someone's life, written by someone


  ②d________(n. a sum of money that a person or organization owes)

  ③u________(adj. never having happened before, or never having happened so much)

  ④b________(n. a piece of paper on which you make a secret vote)

  ⑤s________ (adj.very small in amount or number [= slender])



  1. flamboyant adj. behaving in a confident or exciting way that makes people notice you 自命不凡


  2. extrapolation n.推论,推知;外推

  3. grotesque adj. 非常讨厌的;无礼的;怪诞的,奇异的

  4. pay-as-you-goadj. 付费的(电话或网络服务)

  5. a (rich) vein of(很)有几分


  1. ①biography 传记

  ②debt 债


  (1)表示“某人欠的钱”:debt 债 . overdraft 透支 . liabilities 债务. borrowings 借款 . IOU

  (I owe you)借据

  (2)表示“欠许多钱”:be deep/heavily in debt 债台高筑. be up to your neck/ears in debt 欠一




  (3)表示“欠某人债”:owe 欠钱. be in debt 负债 . be overdrawn 透支 . be in the red 负债,

  亏损. be in arrears 欠账 . be behind with 拖欠

  (4)表示“开始欠债”:get into debt 负债 . run up a debt . default 拖欠

  ③unprecedented 史无前例的,空前的(be unheard of)

  ④ballot 选票

  〔附注〕“选举”有关的:election 选举. electoral 选举的. referendum 公投. ballot 选票;投

  票. polls 投票站 . polling 投票表决(选举) . show of hands 举手表决

  ⑤slim 微小的;渺茫的(机会、可能)


  Little love lost


  “THIS is a marriage of reason,” said Joseph Kinsch, chairman of Arcelor, when he presented the

  proposed merger of the Luxembourg-based steelmaker and Mittal Steel to the press on June 26th.

  It was certainly not love at first sight. For almost five months Mr Kinsch and Guy Dollé, the

  company's chief executive, used every defence they could to rebuff[1] Mittal's

  h_______① bid. They mobilised politicians, bankers, public-relations advisors and—in what was

  meant to be the fatal blow to Mittal's bid—a white knight in the guise of[2] Severstal, a

  Russian steelmaker. (1)But clarity came after a nine-hour meeting on June 25th when

  Arcelor's board at last agreed to sell the company to Mittal Steel for cash and stock valued at

  25.6 billion ($32.2 billion).

  6 月26 日,阿塞洛公司董事长约瑟夫·金希向新闻界宣布该钢铁公司(总部位于卢森堡)与

  米塔尔公司的合并计划时说:“这是一次理智的联姻。”这肯定不是一见钟情。近5 个月来,

  金希和该公司CEO 盖伊·道勒千方百计阻止米塔尔公司不怀好意的收购。他们发动政治家、

  银行家、公共关系顾问来帮忙,甚至请俄罗斯Severstal 钢铁公司扮演“白衣骑士”,意欲给

  米塔尔的收购以致命的一击。不过,6 月25 日,经过长达9 个小时的会议之后,一切都水


  256 亿欧元(约合322 亿美元)。

  The merger will create by far the world's largest steelmaker in terms of market value,

  r_______② and output. It is good news for Arcelor, for Mittal—and the whole steel industry. The

  two companies complement each other in geography and the types of steel they produce. Their

  union is likely to inspire more mergers and takeovers that will increase the industry's

  efficiency. One banker in the deal says all steelmakers are now asking themselves what they

  should do next.








  (2)Because about half of the global steel market is still parochial[3] and fragmented, size brings

  many advantages. Big companies have more power to negotiate with suppliers and are better able

  to withstand the industry's cycle. They can exploit synergies in purchasing, and in

  manufacturing as well as in marketing and trading. Some small producers with a focus on a niche

  in the market, such as Sweden's SSAB, a company specialising in high-strength steel, are

  very profitable. But small steelmakers without their own technological e_______ ③ are unlikely to







  Further consolidation is likely to make the industry healthier. After a painful crisis it has returned

  to profitability thanks to robust economic growth. In Europe consolidation came to a halt after

  three big mergers at the end of the last decade. Thyssen and Krupp of Germany joined forces in

  1997. Two years later British Steel and Hoogovens of the Netherlands formed Corus. And in 2001

  Arcelor was born after Usinor of France merged with Luxembourg's Arbed and Aceralia of

  Spain. Corus is considered a takeover target while ThyssenKrupp is determined to stay

  independent—at least for the moment. Hence most of the mergers will probably be in emerging

  economies. _____________________________________(例如,虽然中国的钢铁需求量现占



  一段痛苦的危机,但很快就能获得较好的回报。在欧洲,自从上世纪90 年代末三次强强联

  手以后,行业整合便已告一段落。1997 年,德国Thyssen 和Krupp 联合。两年后,英国钢

  铁公司与荷兰的Hoogovens 合并为Corus 公司。2001 年,法国Usinor 与卢森堡Arbed 和西

  班牙Aceralia 并组建成了阿塞洛公司。现在有公司正考虑接管Corus,而Thyssen-Krupp 公




  Lakshmi Mittal, the boss of Mittal Steel, believes that (3)ultimately the industry is likely to be

  dominated by a handful of producers of more than 100m tonnes a year. His proposed behemoth[4],

  at any rate, will produce some 120m tonnes a year. But the deal is not quite done yet. First, on

  June 30th, at least half Arcelor's shareholders must vote against the proposed merger with

  Severstal to stop it.

