


来源 :中华考试网 2021-12-24

  首先,我代表国务院新闻办公室,祝贺第四届中美互联网论坛在这里召开,对拨冗出席本次论坛的各位朋友表示欢迎和感谢。在中美双方的共同努力下,中美互联网论坛为两国业界增进理解、扩大共识发挥了独 特作用,已成为中美两国在互联网领域交流与合作的重要平台。中美两国互联网业界重要人士济济一堂,是非常令人高兴和鼓舞的景象。感谢美国微软公司和蒙迪先生,感谢中国互联网协会以及在座的许多朋友为此所做出的有效努力。

  On behalf of the China State Council Information Office, I would like to congratulate the joint efforts of the Chinese and American governments in holding the Fourth US-China Internet Industry Forum here in Beijing. This forum has played a crucial role in increasing the understanding between the two countries' IT enterprises, enabling the United States and China to reach some consensus on Internet and information technology-related subjects. Now, the forum serves as an important communication and cooperation platform for Chinese and American Internet companies and organizations. We at the State Council Information Office are also very grateful for the many efforts and contributions from Microsoft and the Internet Society of China.


  回顾过去一年,在受到国际金融危机冲击的背景下,中国政府采取一系列积极有效、负责任的措施,中国经济企稳回升,中国互联网也保持了继续快 速发展态势。对中国互联网业界而言,过去一年见证了不少重要发展。

  Forums like this are important, now more so than ever before, especially following the financial crisis. The past year has been a tumultuous one, but China's economy has experienced steady growth, and its IT industries have maintained a quick development pace. Because of this success, China's IT sector has made many important achievements.

  一是中国互联网规模持续扩大。中国已经成世界上互联网使用人口最多的国家,互联网的普及率超过世界平均水平。其中,农村网民、西部省份网民、手机上网网民保持快 速增长势头,“数字鸿沟”加快弥合,互联网加速向低收入者和各年龄层渗透和覆盖,互联网正惠及越来越多的人群。

  二是互联网的商用价值日益显现。中国互联网的商务化程度迅速提升,网络购物用户规模不断增长,服务领域不断拓展,涌现出不少新的业务模式和发展机遇。越来越多的中小企业选择使用交易成本低廉、交易渠道广泛的第三方电子商务平台,电子商务在促进企业创新金融模式、提升核 心竞争力等方面作用日益凸现。

  三是“三网融合”和移动互联网带来了新机遇。中国已在12个城市顺利推进三网融合试点,移动互联网用户快 速增长,如何抓住由此带来的市场新机遇,是中国互联网业界关注的新焦点。围绕内容服务创新和用户终端变革,中国互联网业界积极探索,利用新技术,发展新业务,开拓新市场,成效显著。

  The tri-networks integration of telecommunications, cable TV and the Internet, as well as Wi-Fi development, has brought forth many new opportunities. China has initiated tri-networks trial operations in 12 cities, which are moving along smoothly. The number of Wi-Fi users across China is also increasing rapidly, opening up new market opportunities – and China's Internet industry is already busy implementing new strategies to take advantage of this growing Internet user base and market potential. Chinese IT companies are busy exploring and developing new technologies, new business models and new markets to innovate their content providing services and reform users' terminal services. So far, their achievements have been numerous.


  Today, China's active capital market provides new financing channels for Chinese Internet enterprises. The emergence of the Growth Enterprise Board in October 2009 enabled many rising Internet enterprises to become listed companies. As these enterprises grow, so too does public interest and enthusiasm for the Internet and new information technology. This public support has helped enhance the sustained development and international competitiveness of China's Internet enterprises.

  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题


