


来源 :中华考试网 2021-09-01

  1). Professor Wu traveled and lectured throughout the country to( ) education and prof essional ski1ls s0 that women could enter the public world.

  A. prosecute

  B. acquire

  C. advocate

  D. proclaim

  正确答案: C

  答案解析:句意:吴教授在全国进行游走讲学来倡导教育和职业技能,以便妇女可以参与到社会中来。advocate拥护, 倡导。prosecute起诉。acquire获得 。proc1aim宣告,表明。


  1). We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth' s natural system. ( )

  A. frailty

  B. solitude

  C. prevalence

  D. fission

  正确答案: A

  答案解析:句意:我们似乎对地球上十分脆弱的生态系统漠然置之。fraglity脆弱。 frailty与之同义。solitude孤独 。prevalence流行。fission裂变。

  1). The bomb wi1l( ) the moment it is touched.

  A. go on

  B. go off

  C.go out

  D. go over

  正确答案: B

  答案解析:句意:炸弹一触即爆。go off离开,消失,爆炸。go on继续下去。go out出去;熄灭。go over仔细检查,复习。the moment做连词,引导一个时间状语从句时,等于as soona3,意为“一就.”。

  1). Their claims to damages have not been convincingly ( ).

  A. refuted

  B. overwhe1med

  C. depressed

  D. intimidated

  正确答案: A

  答案解析:句意:他们对于损失的索赔还没有被有说服力地驳回。refute驳斥,驳倒,反驳。这里指“他们的要求还未被驳回”。overwhelm覆 盖,淹没;制服,压倒。depress压下, 降低;使消沉,使沮丧。intimidate恫吓,恐吓;胁迫,威胁(into)。

  1). The project will be a( )plan to build more than 100 towm homes,res taur ants and retail space around the city.

  A.34 million dollar

  B.34 millions dollar

  C.34 million dollars

  D.34 millions dollars

  正确答案: A

  答案解析:结构识别。hundred, thousand, million和billion在构成具 体数字时,永远不用复数形式,如: three hundred,five thousand, 因此该句million用单数形式。dollar虽为 可数名词,但在该句中修饰名词plan,因此应该用单数。故选项&符合题意。

  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题


