


来源 :中华考试网 2021-06-16

  纽约时报原文:Chloé Zhao, whose drama “Nomadland” offered anintimate portrait of itinerant Americans, won the Golden Globe for best director on Sunday, making her the first Asian woman ever to win that prize. In taking home the award, Zhao also became the first woman to be named best director since Barbra Streisand won for“Yentl” almost 40 years ago.

  官方译文:凭借她执导的细致刻画美国流浪者的剧情片《无依之地》(Nomadland),周日获得了金球奖最 佳导演奖,成为首位获该奖项的亚洲女性。拿下大奖的赵婷也成为芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)之后,首位获此殊荣的女性导演。近40年前,史翠珊凭《燕特尔》一片斩获最 佳导演奖。

  纽约时报原文:The much-praised “Nomadland” follows Fern (McDormand) as she travels the country in a van, picking up itinerant work (in an Amazon warehouse and elsewhere) and making connections with other American wanderers. Zhao recounted the scene in which Fern wanders through Badlands National Park. “She’s exploring,” Zhao said, “but she’s also lost at the same time.” Zhao, who adapted the movie from Jessica Bruder’s nonfiction book of the same name, largely used nonprofessionals in the cast, including people from Bruder’s book.

  译文:备受赞誉的《无依之地》(Nomadland)讲述了这样一个故事:麦克多蒙德饰演的弗恩开着一辆厢式货车游历全国,(在亚马逊仓库等地方)做做零工,与其他美国流浪者相遇相识。赵婷讲述了弗恩在恶地国家公园(Badlands National Park)中四处游荡的场景。“她在探索,”赵婷说,“但同时她也感到迷茫。”该片改编自杰西卡·布鲁德尔(Jessica Bruder)的同名非虚构作品,赵婷主要启用的是业余班底,包括布鲁德尔书中提到的人物。

  经济学人原文:Ms McDormand plays Fern, a childless widow who spent her adult life in a tiny mining town in Nevada. When the mine closes, the town in effect ceases to exist, leaving Fern with the question of where she should live. Her bold answer: nowhere in particular. Like a surprising number of Americans of her generation, she moves into the kind of small, white, rusting van which builders use to transport bagfuls of tools. Every few weeks, she drives somewhere new, gets a job washing dishes or packing cardboard boxes in an Amazon warehouse, and then hits the road again,sustained by the magnificent landscapes she passes. She is happy to make jigsaws and go line-dancing with the people she meets, but she doesn’t need any company more intimate than that. When worried former neighbours invite her to stay with them, she refuses. “I’m not homeless, just houseless,” she explains. “Not the same thing, right?”



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