来源 :中华考试网 2020-05-22
中邻家女孩 the girl next door
临时抱佛脚 make hasty, last-minute efforts
临时价格干预措施 interim price control measure (The National Development and Reform Commission announced its decision Monday to scrap its interim price control measures on grain, food processed from grain, edible oil, meat, dairy products and eggs starting from January as a step to tackle inflation, now that the country's CPI, the main gauge for inflation, slowed in October for the 6th month in a row to 4%. Food producers and traders will resume the right to set prices of those products independently. 发改委 1 日表示,因 10 月 CPI 为 4%, 同比涨幅连续第 6 个月回落,自 12 月 1 日起,将解除 1 月起为应对通货膨胀而对成品粮及粮食制品、食用植物油、肉、奶、蛋等食品类商品的临时价格干预措施,生产者和经营者可自主定价。)
临时线路 temporary line
流窜犯 mobile criminal
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope."
流动服务 mobile service
流动人口 transient population; floating population
流动售货 mobile vend ing
流动图书馆 travelling library; bookmobile
流动性负债 current liabilit ies
流动性资产 current assets
流动资产 current assets; liquid assets
流动资金 circulating fund; floating money; liquid fund; working fund
六合彩 mark-six lottery (In October 2007, Laib in city police in Guangxi broke up a gambling ring running a racket called "liuhecai" or "mark-six lottery," and found it was just the tip of the iceberg. 2007 年 10 月,来宾市警方粉碎了一个六合彩赌博集团,而这只是当地赌博犯罪的冰山一角。)
流水账 daybook;day-to-day account;current count
流通股 circulation stock
流通领域 circulation domain
流通企业 distribution firm
流通系统 system for the distribution of commodities
留校 work at one's Alma Master after graduation 流行款式 fashion
流行事物 the in-thing 流行文化 pop culture 流星雨 meteor shower
流行字眼 vogue word; in-word; often-heard word
溜须拍马 fawn on; apple polish
留学咨询 consulting on the study abroad
六艺:礼、乐、射、御、书、数 "six classical arts: rites, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic"
留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary
流转税 turnover tax; indirect tax
六方会谈 the Six-Party Talks
流感监测站 influenza monitoring station
流感疫苗接种 influenza vaccinations
流浪猫 stray cat
流氓软件,恶意软件 malicious software, malware
流媒体 streaming media
留守儿童 leftover children
流通股 tradable share
流行偶像 pop idol
利息率 interest rate
利息税 tax on interest from deposits
龙的传人 descendants of the dragon—the Chinese people
垄断行业 monopolized industry
隆乳 mammaplasty
龙头产品 flagship product
(行业中的)龙头老大 lead ing enterprise; flagship of the industry
露 马 脚 give oneself away; reveal oneself; let the cat out of the bag; show the cloven hoof
陆地和海洋生态系统 terrestrial and marine ecosystems
陆基巡航导弹 ground-launched cruise missile
录取通知书 letter of admission 录取通知书 acceptance letter 录取线 admission line
路演 road show
乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 "unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises "
乱检查 make unwarranted inspections
乱码 messy code
乱收费 arbitary charges
乱摊派 requisition donations arbitrarily
乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 "arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines"
劣质工程 shoddy engineering
轮岗 work shift
轮流(坐庄) in turn
轮流停电 rolling blackout (Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) had reported early on Monday that it would schedule rolling blackouts in Tokyo and surrounding cit ies to conserve energy amid the cris is at nuclear power plants in the earthquake-affected areas. 东京电力公司周一宣布,计划在东京和周边城市实行轮流停电,此举是为了在地震灾区核电站危机期间节省能源。)
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense
《论语》 Analects of Confucius
轮值主席 rotating chairman
裸 奔 streaking (A recent Internet post publiciz ing 2 male students celebrating their graduation by streaking naked across campus at Fudan University in Shanghai has aroused heated online debate. 近日,复旦大学的两名毕业生为纪念毕业,在毕业前一晚的午夜时分在校内裸奔并拍照留念,成为网络热议事件。)
落地签证 visa upon arrival (A new policy allowing overseas tourists traveling in a group to get visas upon arrival in East China's Zhejiang province may greatly boost local tourism, local authorities said on Sunday. 当地政府周日表示,将推出新政策允许前往浙江省的外国旅游团取得落地签证,此举将极大推动当地旅游业的发展。)
裸 官 naked official (The Communist Party of China (CPC) has released new restrictions governing "naked officials", or those whose family members have all gone abroad. 中共中央发布了针对家属都已移居国外的官员,即“裸官”,的管理规定。)
裸 官 naked official (The Communist Party of China (CPC) has released new restrictions governing "naked officials", or those whose family members have all
gone abroad. 中共中央发布了针对家属都已移居国外的官员,即“裸官”,的管理规定。)
裸 婚 naked wedding (I was a little dismayed when I heard the word "naked wedding" on a news broadcast the other day, but then understood it was definitely not anything obscene. 当我前几天在新闻广播节目上听到“裸婚”一词时,我有点不快,但很快就意识到这个词和淫秽没有关系。)
裸机 bare mobile phone
裸 体 挂 历 nude calendar.( Six members of Rylstone and District Women's Institute in the UK posed for a nude calendar for helping leukemia patients. 英国瑞尔斯通妇女研究所的 6 个成员拍摄了她们的裸体挂历,来帮助白血病患者筹款。)
裸照 nude photo
录取分数线 entry score
绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate
绿化 afforestation
绿化运动 afforestation drive
绿卡 green card
旅客列车票价 price of passenger train tickets
绿色奥运, 科技奥运,人文奥运 Green Olympics, High-tech Olymp ics, People's Olympics
绿色产品 green product
绿色电脑 green computer
绿色急救通道 emergency green path
绿色科技 green science annd technology
绿色能源 green energy resource
绿色农业 green agriculture
绿色企业 green enterprise
绿色食品 green food
绿色通道(办证快捷通道) green channel; landscaped roadways
绿色银行 green bank
旅行纪录片 travel documentary
旅行结婚 honeymoon trip; wedding vacation; wedding travel
驴 友 travelers.(A brand new tiny-roomed hotel will open in the center of Shanghai at the end of April, targeting travelers from home and abroad for the World Expo in 2010 and young people thereafter. 一种新型"袖珍旅馆"将于 4 月底在上海市中心开张,主要用以满足世博会期间来沪的国内外"驴友"和年轻人的需求。)
绿色旅游 green tourism (In recent years, mountain regions are attracting great attention to Indian tourists in general and foreign tourists in particular. The potential mountain resources for promoting green tourism are enormous in the form of natural and cultural heritage such as biosphere reserves, flora and fauna, lakes and rivers and traditional rural resources. )
绿色通道(快速通道) green channel (China's banking regulators Wednesday ordered all the banks to open a "green channel" disaster relief donations from home and abroad and scrape the remittance charge. 银监会周三要求各银行金融机构开辟抗震救灾捐款快速通道,不得向境内外汇往灾区的捐款收取手续费。)
履行义务 fulfill obligations
旅游车 touring bus
旅游城市 tourism city
旅游定点饭店 certified restaurant/hotel for tourism
旅游黄金周 golden week for tourism
旅游热 tourism wave
马大哈 careless, casual and carefree
马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success
马尔萨斯人口论 Malthusian Theory of Population; Malthusianism (Thomas Robert Malthus, 1766-1834, British economist)
码分多址 (一种扩频多址数字式通信技术) CDMA (Code Division Multip le Access)
马拉松会议 marathon meeting
马拉松式竞选活动 marathon campaign
马路菜场入室工程 the project to build indoor free market to accommodate street vegetable vendors
马路新闻 hearsay;gossip
马屁精 flatterer;boot-licker;apple-polisher
马票 lottery on horse racing (Hainan to pilot lottery on horse racing--Hainan has started exploring ways to introduce betting-type lotteries on major international competitions, including horse racing in Hong Kong. 海南将试行赛马彩票——海南已经开始探索把博彩引入香港赛马等重大国际比赛中的方法。)
马赛克 mosaic 马太效应 "the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomp lishments. )
" 玛雅文化 Mayan civilization 脉冲发射器 impulse sender 买方市场 buyer's market
麦克马洪线 McMahon Line
买壳上市 go public through buying a shell
买空卖空 bulls and bears; fictitious transaction
买一送一 "two-for-one offer, buy one get one free"
瞒产 give a false report of the out put; lie about the grain output
满产 produce in a full capacity
慢车道 lowway; slow-traffic lane
慢 递 future mail (Have you ever dreamed about sending a letter to yourself or your friends in the future? While express mail represents efficiency and speed and is prevalent in China, there is another type of mail emerging as a new business: "future mail." 你有没有想过寄一封信给未来的你或你的朋友?虽然代表效率和速度的快递服务在中国很盛行,不过如今另一种新的邮递业务正在兴起,这就是“慢递”。)
漫话 talk at random;d iscuss informally
慢镜头 slow-motion
满勤 1. work full hours; 2. perfect work attendance record
漫谈会 informal d iscussion
满堂红 successful in every endeavour
慢性萧条 chronic depression
满意度 degree of satisfaction
漫 游 费 roaming fees (China Mobile has slashed the international calling and roaming fees for the 2nd time in nearly 4 years, according to people.com.cn. 据人民网报道,近日,中国移动大幅降低了国际长途和漫游资费,这是中国移动近 4 年内第 2 次大幅度下调国际资费。)
盲流 blind influx (labourers aimlessly flowing from rural areas into large cities)
流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside
盲 目 改 造 blind rebuild ing (The nation’s cultural relics chief is opposed to the blind reconstruction of old city towns, the Beijing times reported Tuesday. 《 京华时报》周二报道称,国家文物局局长反对盲目改造旧城。)
盲目投资 blindness in investment
盲目投资 blind investment, haphazard investment
忙音 signal for the busy line
漫游 roaming service
冒充包装(销售)[指将劣质商品包装成外观像名优产品出售的做法] copycat packaging
矛盾的普遍性 universality of contradictions
毛利 gross proceeds
猫腻儿 illegal deal; underhanded activity;something fishy
茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened
贸易壁垒 trade protectionism
贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)
贸易纠纷 trade rows (US moves won't cease trade rows, say experts: Though the United States has refrained from conducting fresh currency probes and imposing new anti-dumping duties, this does not signal an end to its trade protectionist measures against China, experts said on Wednesday. 专家称,美国的举措不会平息贸易纠纷:专家周三称,尽管美国没有进行新一轮人民币汇率调查,也没有对华征收新的反倾销关税,但这并不意味着美国终止了对华的贸易保护主义措施。)
贸易逆差 adverse balance of trade; trade deficit; trade gap 贸易顺差 favorable balance; trade surplus 贸易与发展委员会 Committee on Trade and Development
贸易战 trade war
贸易制裁 trade sanction
贸易自由化 trade liberalization
帽子戏法 hat trick
每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away./ It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
美国之音 Voice of America (VOA)媒介语 med iating language
口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题
笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题